
This is an old sector, one of those sectors which have been around forever, but you just know the tip of the iceberg.

Yeah, you know that there's Big Four (Fourmis Rouges, Big Boss, Tristesse and Big Golden). You know Fatman, Kheops and Gourmandise. Rempart is the place where big boys go to play.

It's the sector where's the first 8A in the woods is. C'etait demain by Jacky Godoffe.

But it's much more. The sector loads more than 600 problems and we've got covered about 550 of them.

There's a yellow circuit, red circuit and very classic black ED-. It looks intimidating and most probably is. It's lichened here and there, but looks good. The problems tend to big a little high here and there.

So, what's there to climb beside the obvious?

* Matieres Premieres, 7B
* Les Medisances, 7A+
* Giboulee, 7B
* Alamogordo, 6C+
* Le Dernier Rempart, 6B
* L'Angle Allain, 5 (or 6A nowadays)
* Laser, 6C+
* Salathe Wall (7A+ - 7C+, different variations)
* Elephant! -boulder has some nice problems.

And then there a many good slabs, but these pop into my mind at first:

* L'Émeraude, 7C
* Philanthropie, 7A
* Cadeau de Consolation, 6A
* La Dalle Blanche, 4
* Bleau d'Azur, 7A
* Black 39, 5+

These should get you started. Just wonder around the Rempart and you'll find some good stuff.