Bearded and Fearless thumbnail
The Lorax thumbnail
The Lorax
7C+ Boulder at The Lorax Boulder
Rap Attack thumbnail
Rap Attack
7B+ Boulder at The Lorax Boulder
Jupiter thumbnail
7B Boulder at Jupiter Boulder
Fire Extinguisher thumbnail
Delta River Bleau thumbnail
Hermes thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Mercury Boulder
Mercury thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Mercury Boulder
The Eyrie thumbnail
The Eyrie
7A+ Boulder at The Eyrie Boulder
Neptune thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Poseidon Boulder
Aphrodite thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Aphrodite Boulder
Red is the New Black thumbnail
Jazzercise thumbnail
Contra thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Jazzercise Boulder
Border Collie thumbnail
Blinded by Apathy thumbnail
Sensical Ramblings thumbnail
Mega Scoop thumbnail
City-State thumbnail
Touche! thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Touche! Boulder
Mars thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Minerva Boulder
Skipper thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Mega Scoop Boulder
Mandible thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Mandible Boulder
Ares thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Minerva Boulder
French Toast thumbnail
Juno thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Jupiter Boulder
Wishbone thumbnail
Poseidon thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Poseidon Boulder
Library thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Library Boulder
Stark Landscape thumbnail
Happy Spleen thumbnail
Venus thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Aphrodite Boulder
Selene thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Selene Boulder
Athena thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Minerva Boulder
Moon Cake thumbnail
Snicker thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Snicker Boulder
Zeus thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Zeus Boulder
Singapore thumbnail
Summer Sea thumbnail
Summer Sea
6A+ Boulder at The Eyrie Boulder
Cabernet thumbnail
Gin and Tonic thumbnail
Rookery thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Mega Scoop Boulder
Luna thumbnail
6A Boulder at Selene Boulder
Minerva thumbnail
6A Boulder at Minerva Boulder
Toph thumbnail
6A Boulder at Toph Boulder
Flash Dance thumbnail
Colliding Cells thumbnail
Grains thumbnail
6A Boulder at Grains Boulder
Agriculture thumbnail
Carpet Bagger thumbnail
Ascension Aria thumbnail
Hera thumbnail
5 Boulder at Zeus Boulder
River Glass thumbnail
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Sensical Boulder
Project thumbnail
CSX Left Boulders

The area is access sensitive!

🔴This area is water level dependent. The minimum level is 4.35ft. You can find the current water level at this site:

🔴 ACCESS WARNING: Walking along railroad tracks is trespassing, illegal and dangerous. Do NOT walk on railroad tracks; trespassing and any illegal activity associated with climbers will jeopardize access to boulders. If you chose to use the rail corridor to access boulders, you must walk off the tracks and off the gravel that is private CSX property. The only tolerated exception is CAREFULLY crossing directly from one side of the tracks to the other, going from NPS land to NPS land. If you are near tracks, keep your eyes and ears open for trains and keep a large distance from the gravel. Trains are dangerous; coal and rocks often fall from or are thrown by trains. Trains can't stop. Don't make the conductor think they have any chance of running you or your dog over. Be respectful and polite to any railroad worker you see. This is VERY important to future access to all climbing areas near train tracks.

🚗 Driving:
From Fayetteville, drive north on WV-16 heading straight through the intersection with US-19. Drive about 7 miles, and park on the just-wide-enough shoulder on your right immediately before crossing over the bridge across the New River. Be careful not to miss the parking, as the shoulder slowly widens around a curve in the road, becoming widest just as the bridge comes into view.
🔴 THE parking is around a blind curve, take care when exiting your vehicle. There is also limited parking for only a few cars and shares a pullout with the Casey Jones boulders. If there is no more room, please choose another climbing area for the day.

From the parking, cross the road and head down the paved driveway to the tracks. This road/building are associated with the tracks, so be discreet. Walk downstream (that's to your left. Don't pass under the bridge) parallel the tracks. The Lorax trail is marked by a cairn; this trail is primarily to access the Lorax as it sits halfway up the cliff side. If you are going to ANY other boulder it is easier to continue downstream until you can find the steep, loose but open scramble to the river. This will overgrow every summer, there is no well established trail to the river. Good luck. The trail is mainly flat, uneven gravel. The trail down the hill to river level is non-existant, so you'll have to routefind a way down the steep hill. Once you reach river level, the walking is adventurous with rock hopping, scrambling, and routefinding. Total hiking time: 30-45 minutes.