Upper CSX Right
Middle CSX Right
Lower CSX Right
David and Goliath, Right Var. thumbnail
Judah thumbnail
David and Goliath, Left Var. thumbnail
Halloweenie thumbnail
Kobber thumbnail
7C Boulder at Kobber Boulder
Downward Power Crystal thumbnail
Lip Stick thumbnail
The Tipple thumbnail
Money Shot thumbnail
The Raven thumbnail
The Raven
7B+ Boulder at The Raven Boulder
Mary Magdalene thumbnail
Tax Free thumbnail
Tax Free
7B Boulder at Tax Free Cave
Jezebel thumbnail
Quintessential Ratatouille thumbnail
Moon Caress thumbnail
Skulls thumbnail
7B Boulder at Skulls Boulder
Imbue Panacea thumbnail
Faceblasting Sit thumbnail
Lil' Debbie thumbnail
Boxcar thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Boxcar Boulders
Black Sheep thumbnail
Six, Half Dozen thumbnail
Rigamarole thumbnail
Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls thumbnail
VW Mechanic thumbnail
Electric Elephant thumbnail
It's My Money thumbnail
It's My Money
7A+ Boulder at Tax Free Cave
Double Decker thumbnail
The Balding Preacher thumbnail
The Pits thumbnail
The Pits
7A+ Boulder at Alanna Boulder
A Nickel Bag Full thumbnail
Gutter Punks thumbnail
Badass thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Badass Boulder
Kokopelli thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Kokopelli Boulder
Five and Dime thumbnail
Evolution thumbnail
Swimming Against the Tide thumbnail
Roommates thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Waterfalls Boulder
Frank and Beans thumbnail
Tooti Frooti thumbnail
Llama Ears thumbnail
Hugs Not Drugs thumbnail
Devil's Right Hand thumbnail
Catan Mouse thumbnail
Faceblasting thumbnail
Pyramid thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Pyramid Boulder
See the World thumbnail
Abraham thumbnail
Macintosh thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Macintosh Boulder
Ice Cream Cone thumbnail
Effervescnet Lagoon thumbnail
Bucolic Panoply thumbnail
Riparian Talisman thumbnail
Petrified Desert thumbnail
Drum Circle thumbnail
Drum Circle
6B+ Boulder at Pyramid Boulder
Protane thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Protane Boulder
Amnesia thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Amnesia Boulder
Swimming with Sharks thumbnail
Perfect Porridge thumbnail
Amber Wave thumbnail
Sunblasting thumbnail
Wrestling Demons thumbnail
Sir Flakesalot thumbnail
Vishnu thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Vishnu Boulder
The Lioness thumbnail
Celestial Dawn thumbnail
Kate Daniels thumbnail
Werelion thumbnail
Baa Baa thumbnail
Baa Baa
6A+ Boulder at Black Sheep Boulder
Have You Any Wool? thumbnail
Yes Sir, Yes Sir thumbnail
Exoskeleton thumbnail
Moon and Halfdome thumbnail
Burger Bar thumbnail
Serendipity thumbnail
Alps thumbnail
6A Boulder at Alps Boulder
Daine thumbnail
6A Boulder at Alanna Boulder
Alanna thumbnail
6A Boulder at Alanna Boulder
Vampires thumbnail
Technology Wave thumbnail
Locomotive thumbnail
6A Boulder at Boxcar Boulders
Click Clack thumbnail
Coyote thumbnail
6A Boulder at Coyote Boulder
Sailboat thumbnail
Sand Castle thumbnail
Die Antwood thumbnail
Riff Raff thumbnail
Keep Your Crimp Hand Strong thumbnail
Crow thumbnail
6A Boulder at Crow Boulder
Full Nelson thumbnail
Half Nelson thumbnail
Paul Nelson thumbnail
Keladry thumbnail
6A Boulder at Alanna Boulder
Brothers thumbnail
6A Boulder at The Raven Boulder
Dinosaurs thumbnail
Faerie thumbnail
5 Boulder at Faerie Boulder
Yama thumbnail
5 Boulder at Vishnu Boulder
Forgot My Laxatives thumbnail
Organic Mars thumbnail
Magical Pile thumbnail
CSX Boulders

The area is access sensitive!

🔴This area is water level dependent. The minimum level is 4.35ft. You can find the current water level at this site:

🚗 Driving:
From Fayetteville, drive north on WV-16, heading straight through the intersection with US-19. Drive about 8.5 miles to a stop sign at the intersection with US-60. Make a careful U-turn at the odd intersection and head back the way you came. After crossing over the first bridge, park in the next pullout on your right. This is labeled "Parking 7".

This is a challenging hike, and after a steep descent requires scrambling over riverside talus. From the parking, walk south (upstream, towards Hawks Nest Dam, further up the road in the direction that your car is pointing). Follow a 2-3ft high hump of ground on the outside of the guard rail. The hump disappears into a steep ravine, then starts up again. When it flattens out, hop over the guard rail (there is usually a cairn here) and follow the faint trail down the pretty steep hill. The trail heads downhill briefly, then traverses the hill left to a fixed rope (inexplicably this sometimes gets stolen. If there is no rope, don't go down the hill). Use the rope for the even steeper hill all the way to the river. Work gloves are helpful. The fist cluster of boulders is upstream from the approach trail (if you're facing the river, to the left), but most boulders are downstream. The trail is long, steep, and poorly maintained with a handline. Once you reach river level, the walking is adventurous with rock hopping, scrambling, and routefinding. Total hiking time: 15-45 minutes.