Bold climbing and another gritstone test piece classic.
Step off the Boulder on the left and enter the slab rocking up to a trail of chicken heads. Brace yourself as you make some seriously tricky moves to gain the top.
FA Ron Fawcett, Iain Edwards. 1977
Starts as for Adrenaline Rush and makes it the least direct, direct we know of...
FA John Dunne 1988
Another Caley 3 star classic.
Follow the crack line until you run out of holds and protection...
FA Al Manson May 1977
Another classic gritstone route!
Two starts exist at the same grade, from around the right arete making a swing round to the slabby side or direct on the left arete all the way up. Bold and committing all the way up.
FA Al Manson June 1984
Follow the crack til it runs out then finish it...
FA Alfie Beanland, Dennis Gray 1953
One of the finest E1s in Yorkshire. Another classic Caley route. Starting just right of Unfinished Crack Traverse right until you can move around the arete. Climb the arete unprotected to the top... FA Terry Burnell, Dennis Gray May 1964
The wall just right of Unfinished Crack via pockets. Placing runners in the Crack is minus an E point or two...
FA Tim Clifford, Dennis Gray 1977
Direct start of the arete from the Boulder is a Reachy highball.