Stand start behind small tree. Reach up to giant jug, then pull up.
Start as per "Central Groove". Make a big move left, into grey face. Top out straight above.
Start at base of groove feature in yellow streak. Climb the yellow streak using right-facing groove feature and face holds.
Start as per "Misty Steamer", but head immediately left around the base of the arete (watch the dab!) to some good edges. From here, finesse straight up using fancy-footwork and tiny, sharp crimps. Sort of an eliminate (don't go too far left, into "Central Groove"); just follow the obvious path up the blank face immediately left of the arete. Also lends itself nicely to a progression of alternate starts and eliminates.
One of the best at Big Choss! Sit-start on the obvious jug-ledge in the pit to the right of the base of the arete. Make a couple of moves straight up on jugs, then head left and get your pinches, heels, and compression working. Cruxy topout. This problem lends itself well to a progression of alternate starts and eliminates up to around V8.
Start as per "Shwe Tama". Once you're around the base of the arete, continue left to finish up "Central Groove" (or continue even further left at more-or-less the same grade).