Battleship Grey
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Battleship Grey
Battleship Grey 2 / 5
  • Located a few steps south-east of Battleship Grey, this problem faces downhill and will most likely be the first one you encounter coming west from Sector Six. Stand start. Highball. Tricky landing.
Battleship Grey
Battleship Grey 3 / 5
  • Located a few steps southwest of Frou Frou Knick Knack, this downhill facing climb will most likely be the first one you come across coming uphill from the Lower Westside Area. Bad landing.
Battleship Grey
Battleship Grey 4 / 5
  • Located about 25 meters west of Battleship Grey. A left-to-right buttdragger that surfs the lip to an undercling pinch and mantle.
Battleship Grey
Battleship Grey 5 / 5
  • Located on pyramidal boulder 15 to 20 meters west of Battleship Grey. Sit start. Climb the corner on the left side of steep face. Highball.
  • Sit start. Start in the hole and go straight up. Highball.
  • Sit start. Climb the short arete and exit right.