Area 15 - Sid start
Area 15

The area is access sensitive!

Access: A permit is needed to climb here!

Parking: Park at the large parking at the top the the pass.

Walk: Walk as for The Otherside but after you pass the left turn up the The Fortress continue over the sandy field.
1. For Deaf Leopard: walk up left into hillside bloc and you find a large cave.
2. Main area: continue up the main trail to The Otherside, and into the small valley. When the trail takes a sharp turn left continue straight and up into overgrown gulley up onto a plateau.
3. Petrichor: Continue the trail to the The Otherside and after passing through the narrow corridors the path opens up. There is a weakness in the cliff-line on the left. Find this a continue up the 'wash' to the blocs.