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Reittä pitkin
6a+ Sport at Sector 1
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6a Sport at Sector 1
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Alkusoitto thumbnail
5 Sport at Sector 1
Closed project 1.5 thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

Only park at the designated parking spots (the closest parking has room for over 10 well parked cars) and approach the crag from those parking spots. Do not wander past the crag towards Vuorelan koulukoti. Do not approach the koulukoti and never drive onto Vuorelantie. Cars are not to be parked at the corner of Vuorelantie and Vesikansantie.

The small shelter with a campfire near the footpath is on private land and is not for public use so please do not go there.

As always, keep the noise down, don't leave trash and pick up trash that you find.