No special access issues

🚗 Arrival:
Coming from the Trento ring road, take the exit 9B (so strong) towards Gardolo, and drive North direction along Via Bolzano.
Reach the first roundabout and follow the directions to Meano / Albiano / Piramidi di Segonzano.
Drive on this road for 4.4km, reach another roundabout and exit towards Albiano.
Go over Albiano, then follow the indications to Lases at the next roundabout.
Reach the center of Lases and leave the main road following the indications to Cavalese / Piramidi di Segonzano.
Drive for 5.8km, going through Lona and Sevignano, and turn left following the directions to Piazzo.
After 1.4km, turn right and enter Piazzo.
If you have a large vehicle, bigger than a normal van, we suggest you look for a car park in Piazzo, since the road from now on becomes narrow.
Go straight through Piazzo, where there is a narrow passage, then follow the brown indications towards Pra’.

• After 230 meters there is a first car park on the left for the boulder area. Drive for 200 meters more and after a small house there is another one. Please make sure to not obstruct the road.

• Sport sectors are 1600 meters apart and the road to get there is quite narrow. You can think about leaving your car here and walking to the sectors. There are many spaces ahead on the road sides, but it is better to leave them free for any maneuvers.
Continue along the main road and reach the small village of Pra’. Go through it. Continue for 300 meters till the paved road ends. Now the road becomes bumpy, even if it is not that bad. Continue for 650 meters and you will find sector A on the right.
Leave your car here.
Do not park in the last large area, since it is used to U-turn.

🚶‍♂️ Sectors:
• Boulder area: from the second car park, take the road heading towards the river and continue till you reach a garden. Go around it and continue for few tens of meters to reach the first boulders.

• Sport sectors: sector A is on the right side of the road. To reach sector B, continue for 50 meters, reaching the beach, then cross the river using the Tibetan bridge.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email