
Yearly top 10 averages
7C 0 0 0
7B+ 3 0 3
7B 24 1 23
7A+ 52 1 51
7A 243 30 213
6C+ 100 21 79
6C 231 67 164
6B+ 139 61 78
6B 194 88 106
6A+ 121 73 48
6A 221 139 82
5+ 108 74 34
5 97 72 25
4+ 59 46 13
4 78 56 22
3+ 30 28 2
3 80 68 12
Ascent date
Ascent type
7A Boulder at Muumilaakso
Started without the pedelstal which made perfect sense. Nice techie power problem.
6C+ (7A) Muumilaakso Boulder 2024-07-31
Viritetty Mopo
6C Boulder at Oikotie
6C Oikotie Boulder 2024-07-24
7A Boulder at Itäblokki
A few goes and completely different beta than Jykä and I’d wager most of other ascents… in fact I omitted the obvious mini-fridge hold completely. #sessioseiskat
7A Itäblokki Boulder 2024-06-20
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Itäblokki
Somewhat off-balance and tricky start. But quite nice when all the positions were figured out.
6B+ Itäblokki Boulder 2024-06-20
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Itäblokki
Jamtastic and nice slopers.
6C Itäblokki Boulder 2024-06-20
3+ Boulder at Itäblokki
D’oh, as name implies as downclimb.
3+ Itäblokki Boulder 2024-06-20
Kortikaalinen Entropia
6C Boulder at Itäblokki
I liked this a lot.
6B+ (6C) Itäblokki Boulder 2024-06-20
Markon eka
6B+ Boulder at Itäblokki
Nice intro/warmup for this pebble. Topout would have been spicy had I not noticed the ticked crimp.
6B+ Itäblokki Boulder 2024-06-20
6C Boulder at Itäblokki
Really nice. Started on the right with a crammed heelhook, but no reachy moves.
6C Itäblokki Boulder 2024-06-20
Nimbus 2000
7A Boulder at Pallivaha
Old starting hold full of yellow paint and slick as hell. Starting from the areta with right actually makes the start feel harder or more powerful. Also rather reachy. For a short arse and ”new” startinghold plus sequence it feels harder.
7A+ (7A) Pallivaha Boulder 2024-06-08
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Vuosaari
Felt almost harder than Kaspin… and I’m good on tiny crimps… maybe it was the weather.
6C+ Vuosaari Boulder 2024-06-06
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Vuosaari
6B+ Vuosaari Boulder 2024-06-06
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Vuosaari
A few goes to sort out the start and How to an approach this. #sessioseiskat
7A Vuosaari Boulder 2024-06-06
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Vuosaari
6B Vuosaari Boulder 2024-06-06
5 Boulder at Vuosaari
5 Vuosaari Boulder 2024-06-06
5+ Boulder at Taivaskallio
First recorded ascent, might have climbed this eons ago... or not. Semi-clean now, after I scrubbed the top groove clean.
5+ Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-23
Red point
Red point
Rubikin kuutio
6C Boulder at Taivaskallio
A stiff and tall one. Luckily the crux for me is low down, but the upper slap is a tad heady. Lovely, tricky moves sadly on somewhat gritty rock, hence not a *** problem. Super clean now, Anabasis, Allegro and Korkkiruuvi also cleaned to some extent. Go get it.
6C+ (6C) Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-23
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Hallainvuori
Olipahan taistelu näillä klähmä-keleillä.
6C Hallainvuori Boulder 2024-05-17
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Kalkkiranta
FA. Climbed quite a few versions of this, but the easiest version uses the diagonal ramp, and is the most natural line. Originally eliminated the ramp, and that version is a tad harder… but eliminates are stupid so people are free to Climb it and Note it in their comments… but lets keep things natural and only list lines, that ain’t idiotic ehoboostin’ eliminates.
6A Kalkkiranta Boulder 2024-05-15
Red point
Red point
Kaks underii ja pintsi
6B+ Boulder at Kalkkiranta
FA, took a bit of cleaning… about 80kg worth I guess. Has a few really nices moves and holds, plus they should also stay on the wall. Start proved harder than initially though.
6B+ Kalkkiranta Boulder 2024-05-15
Red point
Red point
K2 traverse
6C Boulder at November rain
First go, but shares the end with a route that I climbed some minutes earlier.
6C November rain Boulder 2024-05-15
Red point
Red point
Koo kakone
6C Boulder at November rain
A few goes.
6C November rain Boulder 2024-05-15
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Kalkkiranta
7A Kalkkiranta Boulder 2024-05-15
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at November rain
First go, but have climbed a lot of routes here.
6B (6C) November rain Boulder 2024-05-11
Red point
Red point
Kolottaa assis
6A+ Boulder at November rain
First go, but have climbed other routes here.
6A+ November rain Boulder 2024-05-11
Red point
Red point
Kiipeilyn kolmas silmä
7A Boulder at Sairinen
A few goes. #sessioseiskat
7A Sairinen Boulder 2024-05-10
Red point
Red point
Gin Tonight!
7B Boulder at Sairinen
Half a dozen tries. #sessioseiskat
7B Sairinen Boulder 2024-05-10
Red point
Red point
Unkarin terveiset
6B Boulder at Sairinen
6B Sairinen Boulder 2024-05-10
6B Boulder at Sairinen
6B Sairinen Boulder 2024-05-10
7A Boulder at Kalkkiranta
A few tries, but might have fiddled with this a long time ago. Since I really did not even remember had I tried this or not, I’m counting it as #sessioseiskat. Upper beta directly to pinch with left hand.
7A Kalkkiranta Boulder 2024-05-07
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Taivaskallio
Shares the topout that I had already climbed.
6A Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
Red point
Red point
4 Boulder at Taivaskallio
4 Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
3 Boulder at Taivaskallio
3 Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
3 Boulder at Taivaskallio
3 Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
5 Boulder at Taivaskallio
5 Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
5 Boulder at Taivaskallio
5 Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
5+ Boulder at Taivaskallio
5+ Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
Hiekkalaatan poikkikulku
6A+ Boulder at Taivaskallio
6A+ Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
Hiekkaportaikko, oikea
3 Boulder at Taivaskallio
3 Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
5 Boulder at Taivaskallio
5 Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
4+ Boulder at Taivaskallio
4+ Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
3 Boulder at Taivaskallio
3 Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
5+ Boulder at Taivaskallio
5+ Taivaskallio Boulder 2024-05-06
Il Duomo
7B Boulder at Inkoo / Svenviken
Really nice climb, but finding the holds was a tad hard… everything was coated in chalk. Might be soft or not, I can see taller climbers having an advantage on this (’cept for the topout). About a dozen tries. #sessioseiskat
7B Inkoo / Svenviken Boulder 2024-05-01
Red point
Red point
Gallant ss
Took a few goes to sort out a good beta for the assis. Then it was a casual cruise to the top. Nice start for the outdoor season with a casual #sessioseiskat send.
7A Urheilupuiston Kalliosaari Boulder 2024-04-16
Red point
Red point
First go, but shares holds with Valiant. And also whilst cleaning the top holds on a rope, tried a few body positions.
6C (6C+) Urheilupuiston Kalliosaari Boulder 2024-04-16
Red point
Red point
Season starter. Took a few goes to sort out the body positions and which holds to use.
6C (6C+) Urheilupuiston Kalliosaari Boulder 2024-04-16
Red point
Red point
Snäll smäll karamell
7A Boulder at Viikinmäki
Harjailin joskus kesällä yön about puhtaaksi (no ne otteet mitä näin). Myöhemmin hiffasin, et lienee se Nugentin mainitsema linja. Helteellä ja ilman nahkoja tuntui mahottamalta. Nyt meni melko kivuttomasti. Hieno linja. Assis on ahdas tai eliminaatti, kun järkevin linja menis ylös isoa halkeamaa ja lienee merkittävästi helpompi. Ständi samasta säälittävästä vasurin kahden sormen jalkaotteesta ja oikee hienosta slotti-saidarista. Siten hiukan vasemmalle hienoon slouppi-pokettiin ja siitä sitten ihan hienoilla pienillä otteilla.
7A Viikinmäki Boulder 2023-10-06
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Peltosektori
Hieno, mutta todellakin morpho. Hiukankin vähemmän vartta ja saa kurkotella jostain muualta kuin startti hyllyltä/halkeamalta. Tosin kyllä ne moovit mahollisuuta lyhkäsemmillekin näyttää, vaan vaikeampia.
7A+ Peltosektori Boulder 2023-09-29
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Kruunuvuorenranta
6B+ Kruunuvuorenranta Boulder 2023-09-22
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Kruunuvuorenranta
Really nice moves to get established on the ledge. Many ways to skin the cat, to do the start.
7A Kruunuvuorenranta Boulder 2023-09-22
Red point
Red point
Punainen tiili
7B Boulder at Roihuvuori
Taitaa olla inan morpho linja. Assis ei oo lyhkäselle paha, mutta ylhäällä onkin sitten ikävämpää. Tais olla #sessioseiska
7B Roihuvuori Boulder 2023-09-15
Red point
Red point
Elon Mysk (assis)
7B Boulder at Puuhamaa
Olipahan taas taistelu, hyvä muistutus miksi vihaan työstämistä. Vaatii kaks sessiota ku ei nahat riittäneet ekalla kertaa. Sendi-sessiossa pitikin sitten valmiiksi suunniteltu beetta toiminutkaan jostain syystä pari viikkoa myöhemmin.
7B Puuhamaa Boulder 2023-09-11
Red point
Red point
Vanhat ei valsseja tanssi
6B+ Boulder at Aurinkomäki
The most obvious line here. Why on earth it was not climbed, instead some forced and contrived lines can be found on either side? FA?
6B+ Aurinkomäki Boulder 2023-09-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
6C+ Boulder at Aurinkomäki
Not for my hips… and some crappy holds on it (plus the classic sh!tstart). But this one also had some nice moves… quite bipolar.
6C+ Aurinkomäki Boulder 2023-09-08
Red point
Red point
Pandoran boxi
6A+ Boulder at Aurinkomäki
First go, but as the top is shared with the more obvious crack line, rp it is.
6A+ Aurinkomäki Boulder 2023-09-08
Red point
Red point
Mouhari (assis)
7A Boulder at Aurinkomäki
Not a great line, but has a few nice moves. Cleaned on TR and tried the holds and positions. First go from the ground.
6C (7A) Aurinkomäki Boulder 2023-09-08
Red point
Red point
Linja ratkaisee
6A Boulder at Aurinkomäki
First go, but not a flash as I cleaned it on a tr going up. FA I think.
6A Aurinkomäki Boulder 2023-09-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
Pakollinen räpellys
6B+ Boulder at Aurinkomäki
6B+ Aurinkomäki Boulder 2023-09-08
Red point
Red point
Jännitys tivistyy
6C Boulder at Aurinkomäki
6C Aurinkomäki Boulder 2023-09-08
6C Boulder at Taivaskallio
Quite a Tough one, especially since part of the holds were hiding under a thick blanket of moss… mostly clean now though, go get it…
6C Taivaskallio Boulder 2023-08-25
Red point
Red point
Why? Because I can!
7A Boulder at Puuhamaa
Started left on low foot block/crimp and right on the middle undercling/pinch. Still a tad hard due to the downhill slope.
7A Puuhamaa Boulder 2023-08-18
Red point
Red point
Don Korlejouni & Juntti extended paska variant assis
7A Boulder at Puuhamaa
Actually pretty cool moves at the start, to a nice line. Not as shitty as the name implies.
6C+ (7A) Puuhamaa Boulder 2023-08-18
Red point
Red point
Duo direct
6C Boulder at Puuhamaa
Nicer than the dogleg original. Same grade.
6C Puuhamaa Boulder 2023-08-18
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Kaapeli
Käytännössä #sessioseiska, hiplasin vähän otteita josku aikanaan ja tuomitsin liian raastavaksi. Nyt sitten meni ihmeen kivuttomasti.
7A Kaapeli Boulder 2023-07-28
Red point
Red point
Jamis SDS
6C Boulder at Tegelhagen
Took quite a few tries to sort out a usable beta, as pretty much every hold was soaking wet and took effort to make ’em dry enough to climb.
6C Tegelhagen Boulder 2023-07-17
Red point
Red point
Left side of the Arete SDS
6C Boulder at Tegelhagen
Took a few more tries After the stand to sort out the wet starting beta.
6C Tegelhagen Boulder 2023-07-17
Red point
Red point
Left side of the Arete
6B+ Boulder at Tegelhagen
Started from the left sidepull, but right on the areta at the same height from compression (where the second move of the assis goes).
6B+ Tegelhagen Boulder 2023-07-17
Kryssning (i motvind)
6A Boulder at Skiftinge
Liedown starts are the best.
6A Skiftinge Boulder 2023-07-16
6B+ Boulder at Skiftinge
Difficult to know where the line goes and What is eliminated. Started right on tiny crimp snd left on slouper. Went up without using the good areta or the ledge on the left.
6B+ Skiftinge Boulder 2023-07-16
Red point
Red point
Vei i vellinga SS
6C Boulder at Hægefjell Bouldering
2nd ho I think. Nice line.
6C Hægefjell Bouldering Boulder 2023-07-14
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Hægefjell Bouldering
5+ (5+) Hægefjell Bouldering Boulder 2023-07-14
Gymnaslærer Pedersen
6B Boulder at Hægefjell Bouldering
6B Hægefjell Bouldering Boulder 2023-07-14
6C Boulder at Smögen
Really nice line, despite the lack of height. Loved the kneebar.
6C Smögen Boulder 2023-07-06
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Lysingsbadet
I guess you could call it a flash, but since I climbed the top some years ago, first-go and redpoint it shall be.
6C Lysingsbadet Boulder 2023-07-01
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Lysingsbadet
Crammed assis from a sidepull below the lip and sloper on the lip. Felt like a tussle. The higher you start the easier it gets.
7A Lysingsbadet Boulder 2023-07-01
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Vo Västervik
Pretty size dependent start. Might be actually easier since just before this trip I managed to squash my right middlefinger between a log and a stone… and yesterday took a tumble on a rocky beach and properly hurt the muscles on my right forearm. But I’ll take the grade and #sessioseiskat anyway as the grades do feel consistant here (If Sometimes soft).
7A+ Vo Västervik Boulder 2023-06-29
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Vo Västervik
A few goes, started from a crimp (the one of Kanel) and low sidepull crimp (for the right). Also climbed up more to the left. That felt like ~6C. Climbing more on the right will make it a lot easier by the looks of it. Like 3 or 4 goes.
6C Vo Västervik Boulder 2023-06-29
Red point
Red point
Kant rullen
6A Boulder at Väster femöre
Somewhat tricky start, albeit I tried a harder lower start first.
6A Väster femöre Boulder 2023-06-27
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Kasa Grande
Finally. Have tried this on a few different session. First it felt impossible (bad connies and skin), then nearly got it but rain ended that sesh… then felt impossible again. Now connies were good, skin less so but fougth my way up it… topped perhaps a tad too far tight though.
7B Kasa Grande Boulder 2023-06-03
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Kasa Grande
6B+ Kasa Grande Boulder 2023-06-03
Herkkyys äärirajoilla
6C Boulder at Kasa Grande
Really liked the start, but topout was awful.
6C Kasa Grande Boulder 2023-06-03
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Kasa Grande
Nice start, awful topout #sessioseiskat
7A Kasa Grande Boulder 2023-06-03
Red point
Red point
Beginner's luck
6A Boulder at Kasa Grande
In Sanuks sans pads… topout was a tad sketchy in that style.
6A Kasa Grande Boulder 2023-06-03
Bukkake: Test piece
6B+ Boulder at Kaitalahti
6B+ Kaitalahti Boulder 2023-06-02
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Kaitalahti
6B Kaitalahti Boulder 2023-06-02
Red point
Red point
Kugels Legazy
6B+ Boulder at Kaitalahti
6B+ Kaitalahti Boulder 2023-06-02
Red point
Red point
Karheat karkelot
7A Boulder at Viikinmäki
Felt hard, but also I’m out of climbing shape. Prolly between 6C+ and 7A. Really gritty and thus sharp rock, but holds can also break. Also quite a few ways to climb this and I’n sure some good holds still might lurk underneath the moss. #sessioseiskat
7A Viikinmäki Boulder 2023-05-31
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Raisio
Nice climbing, a few tries to sort out the start, and then a go or to two after bailing from the top and checking out the holds. Nice line and nice moves. Perhaps a bit gritty/sharp at places, but climbing it slow and in control it didn’t matter at all. #sessioseiskat
7A Raisio Boulder 2023-05-20
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Lauste
2nd go staring with a nice layback sequence from the right. Don’t have the wingspan for the start.
6C Lauste Boulder 2023-05-18
Red point
Red point
Crimp you must
7A+ Boulder at Lauste
One million minus stars for the holds. Plus 3 stars for the moves… not as painful If you get the moves and positions correct. Still -999 997 stars.
7A (7A+) Lauste Boulder 2023-05-18
Red point
Red point
Pieni Suuri Seikkailu
6B Boulder at Ämmänpäänmäki
6B Ämmänpäänmäki Boulder 2023-05-13
Fall of Fame
6C Boulder at Ämmänpäänmäki
Nice variety of holds
6C Ämmänpäänmäki Boulder 2023-05-13
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Taivaskallio
6B Taivaskallio Boulder 2023-05-10
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Taivaskallio
6A Taivaskallio Boulder 2023-05-10
6C+ Boulder at Kasa Grande
Dab prone and somewhat sharp hold crystals. Might suit better those with less stature. #sessioseiskat
6C (6C+) Kasa Grande Boulder 2023-05-01
6B+ Boulder at Kasa Grande
6B (6B+) Kasa Grande Boulder 2023-05-01
6C Boulder at Kasa Grande
2nd go, could have flashed but bailed due to lack of (enough) pads/balls/spotters. Climbs really nice though.
6B+ (6C) Kasa Grande Boulder 2023-05-01
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Kasa Grande
6C Kasa Grande Boulder 2023-04-21
Red point
Red point
Etäpäivän edut assis
6C+ Boulder at Kasa Grande
A few goes to sort out the top (again). Then a few tries for the assis.
6C+ Kasa Grande Boulder 2023-04-21
Red point
Red point