
Yearly top 10 averages
7C+ 0 0 0
7C 2 0 2
7B+ 5 0 5
7B 10 0 10
7A+ 7 2 5
7A 6 0 6
6C+ 8 3 5
6C 2 0 2
6B+ 9 3 6
6B 0 0 0
6A+ 5 3 2
6A 2 1 1
5+ 0 0 0
5 2 1 1
4+ 0 0 0
4 2 0 2
3+ 0 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
7B Boulder at Jungsanri Valley
7B Jungsanri Valley Boulder 2015-07-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
Heel phlip
7A+ Boulder at Jungsanri Valley
fun movement
7A+ Jungsanri Valley Boulder 2015-07-02
Red point
Red point
The whale
7A Boulder at Jungsanri Valley
Hard V6, maybe soft V7. Super aesthetically pleasing and a bit heady
7A+ (7A) Jungsanri Valley Boulder 2015-07-02
Red point
Red point
God's Work
6A+ Boulder at Nabi Bawi
6A+ Nabi Bawi Boulder 2015-06-14
Red point
Red point
Sandpaper Handjob
7A Boulder at Nabi Bawi
7A Nabi Bawi Boulder 2015-06-14
Red point
Red point
Blow my Back
6B+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-13
Red point
Red point
Church Clothes
6A+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-13
Red point
Red point
Blow my head
7A+ (7B) 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-13
Red point
Red point
Tree Frog
7B 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-13
Red point
Red point
Sun kissed
6B+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-13
6A+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-13
Dong Dong Poo
7B (7A) 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-13
Red point
Red point
Sandpaper Handjob, Extention
7B Boulder at Nabi Bawi
Cool line on a cool boulder. Pumpy, but the earlier mantle variation feels loads harder to me.
7B Nabi Bawi Boulder 2015-06-10
Red point
Red point
Horse with no name
The crux bump felt... cruxy
6A+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-07
Just another V3
Feels hard, likely more so if your height and wingspan are less than mine.
7B 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-07
Red point
Red point
Monkey and Monks
"climbing monkeys and the female monks". Don't know how you would truley sit start unless you were on hella pads.
6C+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-07
Red point
Red point
Hard. Burly undercling climbing.
7A+ (6C+) 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-07
Lady's Man
This is an unnamed V3 in the 2013 Naewonsa guide. Although levering up from the sit start felt hard to me, I'll agree with the V3 grade, the mantle was really cool.
6A+ (6B+) 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-06
Red point
Red point
Stereo total
"Stereo Deluxe". Despite the dab potential, this boulder actually has some really cool movement.
7B 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-06
Red point
Red point
Upper Cannie(Canine)/윗 송곳니
Left variation V4+/V5-, right variation V5, height probably helps.
6C+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-06-06
Elusive Honey Butter Chip
a fun link in my opinion
7A+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-31
FA Red point
FA Red point
Day of the Tentacle
The full sit start feels like hard V8, VERY cool sequence.
7A+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-31
Red point
Red point
Feels like solid V7. Kinda scary with one pad and no spot.
7B (7A) 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-31
Red point
Red point
Doing the true 2 move eliminate version feels like low end V6
7A+ (6C+) 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-31
Red point
Red point
Fall Out
feels like a solid V4
6B+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-31
Red point
Red point
War of The World
Once the beta is dialed this feels like V8, perhaps upper end V8.
7B+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-26
Red point
Red point
One legged Frog
Fun movement and cool foot work on the roof.
7B 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-26
Red point
Red point
Dewar's and Hundo's
7A+ (6C+) Sinbulsan valley(신불산 계곡) Boulder 2015-05-10
Red point
Red point
Fake arete
kinda weird, has a REALLY cool feeling jug on it though.
6C Sinbulsan valley(신불산 계곡) Boulder 2015-05-10
Red point
Red point
Bone voyage
cool short problem
6B+ Sinbulsan valley(신불산 계곡) Boulder 2015-05-10
Auntie Gwinesh Ashtray
starting matched where the right hand is in the video is significantly harder than starting with the left hand on the arete. Hard V5. Slightly dabby but cool boulder problem. Starting in the same feature and going straight around the bulge is "Matt's Problem" V6, also a cool line.
7A Sinbulsan valley(신불산 계곡) Boulder 2015-05-10
Red point
Red point
It burns
This is the clone of "Brownhole", a V8 at Rocktown in Georgia.
7B+ Sinbulsan valley(신불산 계곡) Boulder 2015-05-10
Red point
Red point
Earlybird Traverse
Quasi-eliminate, but fun movement if you've want a techy-yet-powerful traverse.
7C Piagol Valley(피아골 계곡) Boulder 2015-05-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
Unknown Traverse
interesting moves
6B+ Piagol Valley(피아골 계곡) Boulder 2015-05-08
Red point
Red point
Pulp Friction
7B (7A+) Piagol Valley(피아골 계곡) Boulder 2015-05-08
Red point
Red point
6B+ (7A+) 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-06
FA Flash
FA Flash
Copper Pyrites
Almost feels V5. Cruxy transition to the face.
6C 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-06
Red point
Red point
Diamond Forever
Feels like V5.
6C+ (6B+) 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-06
Red point
Red point
Diamond Thives
Hard V3. Strength intensive first move.
6A+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-06
Ifinite Asymptote Extension
Feels like hard V9. Very shoulder and core-strength intensive.
7C 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-06
Red point
Red point
F**k you, Pay me
Fun little turd of a boulder.
6A 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-05-03
Red point
Red point
probably soft V5 per Naewonsa grades
6C+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-04-26
FA Red point
FA Red point
Solid Snake
A very fun short roof climb. This could feel closer to V5 if not your style.
6B+ 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-04-26
Daddy Long Legs, sit
Feels like a very pumpy V7. It finishes ALL THE WAY on the right side of the wall.
7B (7B+) 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-04-26
Red point
Red point
Warm up Crack, Left
Fun meditative movement.
4 (5) 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-04-26
Filthy Ninja tricks
Is this a jump start? Feels like V2 if you stand up and statically establish on the slab before going to the sloper jug rail.
5 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-04-26
Red point
Red point
Listo el Polo
Interesting movement. Hard.
7C (7B+) 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-04-25
Red point
Red point
Infinite asymptote
Straightforward with a crux 1st move, my preferred style.
7B 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Boulder 2015-04-25
Red point
Red point
T's Arete
6A Boulder at Okgye Valley
stout for V2
6A Okgye Valley Boulder 2015-04-13
Doom Blade, sit
7A+ Boulder at Okgye Valley
washed out landing added 1 move, made the whole bloc feel significantly harder. More difficult that Triple X sit in my opinion.
7B (7A+) Okgye Valley Boulder 2015-04-13
Red point
Red point
Early Bird
6C+ Boulder at Okgye Valley
hard V4
6B+ (6C+) Okgye Valley Boulder 2015-04-13
Red point
Red point
Morning Magic,sit
6B+ Boulder at Okgye Valley
Hard V3, easy V4
6B+ Okgye Valley Boulder 2015-04-13
Red point
Red point
Triple X , sit
7B Boulder at Okgye Valley
hard V6
7A+ (7B) Okgye Valley Boulder 2015-04-13
Red point
Red point
Pit Fighter
7B+ Boulder at Okgye Valley
This starts on the big shelf in the middle of the overhang and traverses rightwards into the arete and then finishes up. It does NOT start on the arete as the topo picture would suggest. Feels like solid V8 in cold temps with the beta spray down, but I think this could feel significantly harder if it didn't suit the person.
7B+ Okgye Valley Boulder 2015-04-13
Red point
Red point
Black hole
6C+ Boulder at Nabi Bawi
6A+ (6C+) Nabi Bawi Boulder 2015-04-11
Old man Touched by Blindness
7A Boulder at Nabi Bawi
The stand start is DOPE, but this sit start is very dabby and lacks the quality of the stand.
7A Nabi Bawi Boulder 2015-04-11
Red point
Red point
Mudy Mudy
7A+ Boulder at Nabi Bawi
7A+ Nabi Bawi Boulder 2015-04-11
Warm up lip traverse
4 금강공원 (Geumgang Park) Boulder 2015-04-09
FA Red point
FA Red point
Warm up face
4 금강공원 (Geumgang Park) Boulder 2015-04-09
FA Red point
FA Red point
Nice to meet you(안녕하세요)
left hand sidepull/underclinging in the crimp seam, right hand sidepulling the flat edge, pull on and establish static, don't generate momentum from the ground.
7B 금강공원 (Geumgang Park) Boulder 2015-04-09
FA Red point
FA Red point