
Yearly top 10 averages
8C 0 0 0
8B+ 6 0 6
8B 9 0 9
8A+ 13 0 13
8A 18 0 18
7C+ 16 2 14
7C 24 3 21
7B+ 5 1 4
7B 10 1 9
7A+ 5 1 4
7A 9 3 6
6C+ 4 0 4
6C 7 4 3
6B+ 0 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
7C Castle rock Santa Cruz, CA Boulder 2020-01-20
Red point
Red point
Feels nice to pull on slopers for once.
7C+ Castle rock Santa Cruz, CA Boulder 2020-01-20
Red point
Red point
Collin's Problem
7C (7C+) Castle rock Santa Cruz, CA Boulder 2020-01-20
Red point
Red point
A Scanner Darkly
8A+ Boulder at Buttermilks
Tape on most tips but didn't split. Success!
8A+ Buttermilks Boulder 2020-01-12
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Camp 4
7C Camp 4 Boulder 2020-01-05
8A Boulder at Yosemite
8A+ (8A) Yosemite Boulder 2020-01-05
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Housekeeping area
2nd go.
7C Housekeeping area Boulder 2020-01-04
Red point
Red point
Across the Tracks
7C+ Boulder at Camp 4
7C+ Camp 4 Boulder 2020-01-04
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Camp 4
7C+ Camp 4 Boulder 2020-01-04
Diesel Power
7C+ Boulder at Camp 4
Maybe the most beautiful climb I've ever done!
7C+ Camp 4 Boulder 2019-11-24
Red point
Red point
Stick It
8A Boulder at Camp 4
Rock mauling at its finest!
8A Camp 4 Boulder 2019-11-24
Red point
Red point
Full Fever
7C+ Boulder at Mortar Rock
7C+ Mortar Rock Boulder 2019-10-16
Red point
Red point
Lazy Boy
8A+ Boulder at Lake Tahoe CA
First try after doing the stand. Stunner!
8A+ Lake Tahoe CA Boulder 2019-09-30
Red point
Red point
The Kraken
8A Boulder at Mortar Rock
8A Mortar Rock Boulder 2019-09-20
Red point
Red point
Chinese Connection
8B Boulder at Mortar Rock
Didn't split. Success!
8B Mortar Rock Boulder 2019-09-20
Red point
Red point
New Wave
7C Boulder at Mortar Rock
7C Mortar Rock Boulder 2019-09-17
Red point
Red point
Mission Impossible
7C Boulder at Mortar Rock
7C Mortar Rock Boulder 2019-09-10
8A+ Boulder at Glendalough
Never thought this project would actually go. Definitely suits a smaller body - a new lock-off testpiece in the valley. Psyched to start the season off with this one.
8A+ Glendalough Boulder 2018-09-13
FA Red point
FA Red point
New Base Line
8B+ Boulder at Magic Wood
8B+ Magic Wood Boulder 2018-06-28
Red point
Red point
Board Of Light
7C+ Boulder at Fairhead Boulders
Brilliant line. Much harder than it looks.
7C+ Fairhead Boulders Boulder 2018-06-04
Red point
Red point
Guillotine Sit Start
7C+ Boulder at Fairhead Boulders
7C+ Fairhead Boulders Boulder 2018-06-04
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Fairhead Boulders
7B+ (7B) Fairhead Boulders Boulder 2018-06-03
Red point
Red point
Hunter N' Haddock
7C Boulder at Fairhead Boulders
7C Fairhead Boulders Boulder 2018-06-03
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
8A+ Boulder at Schöllenen
From original sit-start. Did the stand 2nd go and then the sit-start 2nd go. Perfect problem!
8A+ Schöllenen Boulder 2018-04-13
Red point
Red point
Sur Gauche
8A+ Boulder at Wassen
So so sharp!
8A+ Wassen Boulder 2018-04-13
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Brione
Not bad at all...
7C Brione Boulder 2018-04-07
Red point
Red point
8B Boulder at Chironico South
Pity about the chipped hold, but climbs really well! I've wanted to do this one for ages, nice to finally see it in the flesh.
8A+ (8B) Chironico South Boulder 2018-04-06
Red point
Red point
The great Shark Hunt
8A+ Boulder at Chironico North
Really nice line. 2nd go from the bottom, so warm today!
8A+ Chironico North Boulder 2018-04-06
Red point
Red point
Midnight Lighting of Ticino
7C+ Boulder at Chironico Schattental
Slippy footholds but grippy handholds.
7C+ Chironico Schattental Boulder 2018-04-05
Red point
Red point
Big Paw
8B+ Boulder at Chironico North
One of the best lines I've ever seen. Perfect! Mini-compression method. Felt hard! Hopefully it cools down a bit here in Chironico. So much more to do!
8C (8B+) Chironico North Boulder 2018-04-05
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Maltatal
One of the best in Maltatal! Squeeezy!
8A Maltatal Boulder 2018-03-28
Red point
Red point
Lady in Black
8B+ Boulder at Maltatal
This is one of the greatest walls I've ever seen. Just enough holds to make it hard but not impossible. Epic day travelling through knee-deep snow to get there, but in the end we were rewarded. Nice one Flo!
8B+ Maltatal Boulder 2018-03-26
Red point
Red point
As good as it gets! Didn't think it was gonna happen today...Skin was thinning, doubt was creeping in, still trying to fight off this head cold, but you've always got one more good go in the bag. I feel privileged! The ball is rolling again...
8B+ Schleierwasserfall Maltatal Boulder 2018-03-24
Red point
Red point
Mark's slab
7B+ Boulder at Glendalough
7B+ Glendalough Boulder 2017-12-09
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Glendalough
Oh my, this one took some time to figure out. Everything that once seemed so complicated, seems so simple and straight forward now. One of my last to do in Glendalough..7B/+ with new method, 9A with Michael's method.
7C (7B) Glendalough Boulder 2017-12-09
Red point
Red point
Real Pamplemousse
8A Boulder at Brione
Such a cool swirly piece of stone. The proj to the left looks good too!
7C+ (8A) Brione Boulder 2017-11-17
Red point
Red point
Fake pamplemousse
8A Boulder at Brione
2nd go. Need to prepare more for flash goes. Nice and squeeeeezy!
7C (8A) Brione Boulder 2017-11-17
Red point
Red point
Wie im Urlaub
7C+ Boulder at Brione
2nd go. Such a cool move and strangely nice texture on a water-washed block!
7C (7C+) Brione Boulder 2017-11-17
Red point
Red point
La Pelle
8A Boulder at Cresciano
Some of the best rock here. Reminds me of home!
8A Cresciano Boulder 2017-11-16
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Chironico North
2nd go. In the baking sun - still have the forearm gash to prove it. Nice moves!
7B+ (7C) Chironico North Boulder 2017-11-16
Red point
Red point
Black Pearl
7C+ Boulder at Brione
After a long day of projecting, my arms stopped working on this one.
7C+ Brione Boulder 2017-11-14
Red point
Red point
8B Boulder at Chironico North
First day here in Chironico. Surprised to do this one so fast. Now for the Paw - One of the sickest lines in Chrionico!
8B Chironico North Boulder 2017-11-13
Red point
Red point
Freak Brothers
8A Boulder at Chironico North
Tape the pinky before you try. Nice first day here in Chironico.
7C+ (8A) Chironico North Boulder 2017-11-13
Red point
Red point
I portici
8A+ Boulder at Cresciano Osogna
Best rock I've touched over here in Switzerland and one of the best lines too. Thank you, Fred, for this stunning addition, it's been on my to-do list for years. Few tries.
8A (8A+) Cresciano Osogna Boulder 2017-11-13
Red point
Red point
Wrestling with an Alligator
8A+ (8B) Schleierwasserfall Maltatal Boulder 2017-11-08
Red point
Red point
Basic...but also not so basic.
7C (8A) Schleierwasserfall Maltatal Boulder 2017-11-03
Red point
Red point
Pluto auf der Jagt
I liked this one! Very greasy after a long day, but my shoulders just about managed to hold up. Nice first day in Malta.
8A (8A+) Schleierwasserfall Maltatal Boulder 2017-11-03
Red point
Red point
Snake Eyes
8A Boulder at Glenmacnass
Lovely line in the middle of nowhere. My first FA.
8A Glenmacnass Boulder 2017-10-06
FA Red point
FA Red point
8A Boulder at Fairhead Boulders
Stunning line!
8A Fairhead Boulders Boulder 2017-07-03
Red point
Red point
Glen Ross
8A+ Boulder at Fairhead Boulders
One of the best. Midge were everywhere but they can't hog the boulders all to themselves...
8A+ Fairhead Boulders Boulder 2017-07-02
Red point
Red point
The Buddha Sits
8B Boulder at Windy Gap
Sooo good! I beat the midge this time. One of the best lines I've ever climbed - Proud. 8 JW's out of 10.
8B Windy Gap Boulder 2017-06-14
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
The Reckoner
7B Boulder at Windy Gap
7B Windy Gap Boulder 2017-05-06
John 3:16
8A Boulder at Windy Gap
Amazing! Really good stone and proud line. Not a sendless freak no more. BoomBoom.
8A Windy Gap Boulder 2017-05-06
Red point
Red point
The Ace
8B Boulder at Stanage
Lucky! Just before my flight back home on the hottest day of the year so far and with four split tips. Have no idea how I pulled this one off. Subtle!
8B Stanage Boulder 2017-03-25
Red point
Red point
Brad pit
7C+ Boulder at Stanage
7B (7C+) Stanage Boulder 2017-03-21
Red point
Red point
Voyager Sit Start
8B+ Boulder at Burbage North Bouldering
Lines don't get much better than this. The flow is back!
8B+ Burbage North Bouldering Boulder 2017-03-16
Red point
Red point
8B Boulder at Burbage North Bouldering
King line! 6am ascent.
8B Burbage North Bouldering Boulder 2017-02-08
Red point
Red point
In the Flick of Time
7C Boulder at Burbage North Bouldering
7C Burbage North Bouldering Boulder 2017-02-03
Red point
Red point
Afro Left (sans block)
8A Boulder at Glendalough
One of the most powerful lines in Wicklow. Trust in your shoulders and everything will be alright.
8A Glendalough Boulder 2017-01-01
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Pepsi Max
7C Boulder at Lough Tay
Hands down one of the best in Ireland...Iron cross method works!
7C+ (7C) Lough Tay Boulder 2016-04-24
Red point
Red point
The Model
8A+ Boulder at Cloghoge
Perfect rock in a perfect setting...
8A+ Cloghoge Boulder 2016-04-18
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Dutch Gold
7C Boulder at Glendalough
3.5 JW's out of 10...
7C Glendalough Boulder 2016-03-05
8B Boulder at Glendalough
This one overshadows the lot. Perfection solidified in six moves. Obsession pays off...
8B Glendalough Boulder 2016-02-25
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Soul Revolution SS
8B+ Boulder at Glenmalure
All of the good aspects of bouldering rolled into one - the full package. I will never get tired of that spot high up in the hills, far away from everything. A dream come true.
8B+ Glenmalure Boulder 2016-02-25
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
7C Boulder at Glendalough
First repeat after a hold broke. Powerful opening move.
7C Glendalough Boulder 2016-01-15
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at The Scalp
Completion of the Big Four...Good one!
7C The Scalp Boulder 2015-12-17
Red point
Red point
Night Crawlin
7C Boulder at The Scalp
It's a very subtle thing...The crisp has arrived.
7C The Scalp Boulder 2015-11-19
Red point
Red point
Man of the Cow
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
7C Magic Wood Boulder 2015-09-17
Red point
Red point
Jack the chipper
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
Rain, rain, rain...
7C Magic Wood Boulder 2015-09-16
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
7C Magic Wood Boulder 2015-09-16
Red point
Red point
Fight club
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
7C Magic Wood Boulder 2015-09-10
Red point
Red point
Sofa Surfer
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
8A Magic Wood Boulder 2015-09-09
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Magic Wood
7C+ Magic Wood Boulder 2015-09-05
Le Carnage assis
7C Boulder at Bas Cuvier
First go after flashing the stand.
7C Bas Cuvier Boulder 2015-09-03
Red point
Red point
8B Boulder at Glenmalure
What a surreal moment. Next level tension. Gotta love progression. Thanks for all the support, Ciarán!
8B Glenmalure Boulder 2015-08-24
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
People of the Sun
8A+ Boulder at Glendalough
The forces were with us tonight. This one is tricky.
8A+ Glendalough Boulder 2015-08-04
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Johns Crimp Problem
8A Boulder at Glendalough
The essence of bouldering. Such beauty.***
7C (8A) Glendalough Boulder 2015-06-18
Red point
Red point
Soul Revolution
7C+ Boulder at Glenmalure
An excellent problem that is completely worth the hike. Both tension-based and dynamic. Perfect.
7C+ Glenmalure Boulder 2015-05-13
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
The Hills Have Eyes
8A Boulder at Glendasan
One of my proudest achievements in climbing, to date. Now I can move forward...
8A+ (8A) Glendasan Boulder 2015-04-23
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Galaxy 2 Galaxy
8A Boulder at Mall Hill
Outstanding. Climbed the full sequence in two overlapping sections on my first outing, however, the entire link proved to be a much bigger obstacle for me. I feel complete now.
8A Mall Hill Boulder 2015-04-13
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Portrane
Kept catching the damn spike with my back three...A proud line that I had been putting off for way too long. Pretty soft for the grade but superb nonetheless.
8A (7C+) Portrane Boulder 2015-03-20
Red point
Red point
Black Power
8A+ Boulder at Black Valley
Incredible line with powerful movement. A true crimpy-tension test piece.
8A+ Black Valley Boulder 2015-03-05
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
White Lightning
7C Boulder at Black Valley
Harder now that the foothold has broken. Perfect holds. A king line. 7B+/7C
7C Black Valley Boulder 2015-03-05
Red point
Red point
The Roof (Stand)
7B+ Boulder at Gap of Dunloe
7B+ Gap of Dunloe Boulder 2015-03-04
Red point
Red point
Mountain out of a Mall Hill
7B+ Boulder at Mall Hill
7B+ Mall Hill Boulder 2015-02-18
Space Machine
7C Boulder at The Scalp
The full package. Protect the Space Machine! A benchmark.
7C The Scalp Boulder 2015-02-01
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Cloghoge
7B Cloghoge Boulder 2015-01-18
Red point
Red point
Leave the Trees for the Insects
7C Boulder at Windy Gap
Nice little power problem.
7C Windy Gap Boulder 2014-12-20
Red point
Red point
Going Down on Chillax Left
7B Boulder at Glendalough
Deep start.
7B Glendalough Boulder 2014-12-10
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at The Scalp
Ride the Bullet! Flip the hand. 7C+/8A?
8A The Scalp Boulder 2014-12-04
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
White Stick It
7B Boulder at Glendalough
The full line from the sit. Really nice sequence of moves.
7B Glendalough Boulder 2014-12-01
FA Red point
FA Red point
Egg Traverse
7C Boulder at Glendalough
7B+ (7C) Glendalough Boulder 2014-10-12
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Glendalough
Such a happy moment topping out on this boulder. Why I never thought to try the crux with a heel on is beyond me...Long live the 700 lumens!
7C+ Glendalough Boulder 2014-10-07
Red point
Red point
Computer World Left
7A+ Boulder at Cloghoge
7A+ Cloghoge Boulder 2014-10-02
Red point
Red point
Computer World
7C Boulder at Cloghoge
Best rock in Ireland hands down. Hard.
7C+ (7C) Cloghoge Boulder 2014-10-02
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Lemon Sole
7B Boulder at Portrane
I feel the crux is battling with the wetness. Find it crisp and it could feel easy.
7B+ (7B) Portrane Boulder 2014-07-20
Red point
Red point
Toy Boy
8A+ Boulder at clean up Val Masino
Incredible climb! Amazing feeling to have finally slain this beast. Never left my mind over the year that I was away from it, means a lot more to me than just a new grade - Thanks for all your support, Zoe!
8A+ clean up Val Masino Boulder 2014-07-01
Red point
Red point
Eat it
7A Boulder at Fairhead Boulders
7A Fairhead Boulders Boulder 2014-06-02
Boneyard Arete
7A+ Boulder at Black Valley
Such a cool looking bloc!
7A+ Black Valley Boulder 2014-05-17
Sherpa Tensing
6C Boulder at Black Valley
Tried it after the burbs - top out is a little scary, bring a spotter!
6C Black Valley Boulder 2014-05-17