Byeongsoo Ha
has visited and listed 7 crags
- Byeongsoo Ha • 2 years agoupdated his or her tick list- Captain hook Standing,Direct 6B+
- Red Man 6B+
- Puppet Master,sit 6A+
- 짜투리,sit 6A+
... - Byeongsoo Ha • 2 years agoupdated his or her tick list- 턱받이 6A+
- Impossible V2, Left 6B
- Arrowroots Dyno 7B - Byeongsoo Ha • 2 years agoupdated his or her tick list- Show me the money,Right 6A+
- 길거나 걸거나(Long or Hook) 6A+
- Dong Dong Poo 7A
- No Name, sit 6B+
Crags where Byeongsoo has visited 7
- 내원사 계곡(Naewonsa Valley) Yangsan, Korea, Republic of
- 옥불사 (Okbulsa) Busan, Korea, Republic of
- 서문대천천(West Gate) Busan, Korea, Republic of
- 구만산 계곡 (Guman Valley) Miryang, Korea, Republic of
- 운일암반일암 계곡(Unilam Banilam Valley) Kŭmsan, Korea, Republic of
- 무등산 국립공원(Mudeung National Park) Kwangju, Korea, Republic of