Vranja peč - Access

No special access issues

Approach originates in Ivanec. From here head to Varaždin and Ivanečko naselje, further on head right to Salinovac and to the road branching for Ivanečka Željeznica. If coming from Zagreb, this road branching is better available from Podrute, through Bela and Margečani. After the road branching for Ivanečka Že­lje­znica drive some 5 km to a small food store on the left roadside (before that store the road crossed a stream). This is the best place to leave the car.
Return to the stream and turn right to the dirt road that follows the stream. After reaching a road branching, continue to the right through the fields and towards the woods. A trail that ascends through the woods to the crag branches out before the last house. The trail is not marked but the orientation is easy. In the beginning keep to the ridge, and later turn right to a forest track that leads to the crag (10-15 min).


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email support@27crags.com.