⛰Valvikdalen is in reality the whole big valley where this crag is located. The crag consists of a few slightly to steep overhanging walls with incut holds of many shapes and sizes. The quality of the rock is mediocre and requires a good deal of brushing to de-choss. But one can't complain too much about this as it is rare to find long steep walls with holds in this region. And the views cmbined with a short apporach makes for a good post-work afternoon crag in the sun.
To get there park as for the sports climbing crag Bratthammeren. Cross the road and walk west for 50 meter before heading up hill. Head up the first ridge to gain the plauteau. If you got up the right ridge then the first wall you should get to is "Getaway Bodø".
👶The approach is a little steep, but it should be possible to carry a child there. By the walls the ground is fairly flat and safe for kids but there a some steep drops close by that one should be awhere about.