
35 boulder

The area is access sensitive

To access the area, take the small exit to "Punto limpio" at the roundabout where N-232 and N-211 meets. Follow the road for about 1.2km and take a right, drive up a fairly steep hill, take a left at t... Read more

We like Val de Cepero

Activities on this crag

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    Val de Cepero

    The area is access sensitive!

    To access the area, take the small exit to "Punto limpio" at the roundabout where N-232 and N-211 meets. Follow the road for about 1.2km and take a right, drive up a fairly steep hill, take a left at top of the hill and follow the small road along the fields for around 700m and take a right. On the right side you can see the parking marked on the map.

    Be aware that the fields and the road are private property. Do not block the entrance to the fields or park at the fields. Park only on parkings marked on the map.