
Situated just north of the town of Organyà and taking its name from an important medieval trade route running along the banks of the River Segre and crossing over 3 bridges (the Tres Ponts), this is one of the region’s outstanding zones and is truly world-class. In addition to the Main Cliff, several other superb sectors have now been developed.

🧗‍♂️ Main Cliff
A truly awesome sector featuring long athletic pitches on excellent rock, much of which is dauntingly steep. The cliff faces east and this, combined with the cooling effects of the nearby river, makes late spring through to mid-autumn the best time for climbing here. Orientation: East. Note: the discovery of a rare and protected plant species on the Main Cliff has lead to the closure of 7 routes. The initial bolt hangers have been removed and we would ask climbers to respect the bans and not to try clip-sticking past the starts. We still include the affected routes in the topos (marked in solid red lines) in case the situation changes in the future.

🧗‍♂️Bon Combat & El Balcó dels Tres Ponts
These two sectors lie directly opposite the Main Cliff and although they offer fewer routes the quality is still exceptional. Orientation: West.

🧗‍♂️La Fontanella and Fontanella Est
These two sectors lie just to the left (southwest) of the main cliff of Tres Ponts. Sector La Fontanella is almost as impressive as the Main Cliff itself, with high-grade climbing tackling long, sustained tufa systems. The vertical water-worn ravine that gives ‘La Fontanella’ its name is a stunning natural phenomena and worth going to see even if you don’t intend climbing there! Further to the right, La Fontanella Est is a recently equipped sector and although not as steep as other rock in the area it is still very impressive and gives excellent climbing. Orientation: Fontanella Est — East. La Fontanella: Northeast on the left-hand section of the sector; East on the right.