Kräm thumbnail
7B Boulder at Creme de la creme
Flying Fredriksson thumbnail
Creme de la creme thumbnail
Crème Brûlée thumbnail
Creme de la creme sittstart thumbnail
Gräddfil thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Creme de la creme
Cremefraiche thumbnail
Gräddhyllan thumbnail
Fesmölla thumbnail
Till Lisa thumbnail
Som grädde på moset thumbnail
En härlig blandning thumbnail
Vispgrädde thumbnail
Glass i stora lass thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!


🤫 "Projektstenen", "Tres Mosqueteros" and "Ebbetorpsstenen" are close to residential houses – be respectful and keep a low profile!
🗑 Remove all of your trash!
🧹 Brush off tickmarks and excessive chalk!

• The Parkings are marked on the map.

• For "Projektstenen" and "Tres Mosqueteros", walk around the houses in the forest to the left. Access "Tres Mosqueteros" from "Projektstenen".
• For the main area follow the gravel road into the forest past the roadblock.