The area is access sensitive!
From Masouri head towards Emborios for 7.5km. Just before the village of Skalia there is a large stone house below the road, on the opposite side of the road is the concrete marker for Seaside Kitchen. Park along the roadside, then walk up the steep cement road, then cairns (stone men) mark the well worn path, continue for about 20 minutes to the first routes
Atlantis has the same access but just before the first routes cross over to the right following the goat track.
Utopia is the cave that is visible just past Atlantis.
Attention. Keep your distance from the bee hives near the approach path, they become quite aggressive and irritable on the hot summer days.
Plenty of space at the road side for parking, it is best to avoid going up the cement road by car or bike as this could cause access issues in the future.
This crag got its name from Kasper Ochsner's son Mikki who said "Daddy this is our own little seaside kitchen"