
Free topo:
This cool crag in Bodø has an awsome cave and some walls on both side. The cave it self is about 30 meters high at most and serves as a heaven in bad and cold weather. Winter and early spring climbing is very good! When frozen a beautiful water fall hangs down in free air in the middle of the wall. When the frost and snow melts it can be quite wet at the top of the routes.

Still plenty of potential.


The good old pioneers in Bodø was here and made the first couple routes in 2012 or so. Kenneth Mjelle was the one who bolted and completed two routes, an anchor and started another that wasnt finished. In the exeptionally dry winter of 2021 Ole and Andreas came here and though they found gold. They soon found the old bolts and guessed right away who had been here. Kenneths old routes got the names of Gjennoppdagelsen and Iskønten. Soon the bolting continued and Vinterkrigerne, Back in the game! and the other projects where born. Hopefull there will be some more routes and traffic here in the next years.

Routes on Syden
15 sport 11 Likes
Premium topo by Team Bodø
Sten Stenkjær
from Bodo, Norway
Tommy Håkon Fagertun
from Bodø
Rasmus Bølling
from Bodø, Norway