Scud thumbnail
Patriot thumbnail
Camouflage thumbnail
Häirikkö thumbnail
6b+ Traditional at Nuuksio Solvalla sport
Jupintappaja thumbnail
Ahneiden Pidot thumbnail
Jäger Meister thumbnail
Indiana Jones thumbnail
Krybto thumbnail
Kiss Me thumbnail
Jokisen Scifi thumbnail
Scifi thumbnail
5 Traditional at Nuuksio Solvalla sport
Jokisen Eväät thumbnail
Jokisen Eväät
5 Partially bolted at Nuuksio Solvalla sport
Kristallikallon valtakunta thumbnail
The Last Crusade thumbnail
Diagonal Climbing thumbnail
Right edge mixed as Trad. thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

‼️ 💩 🧻
The land on the South (below) the road is private property. Don't go there, definitely not to poo. If you poo anywhere, remember to dig a hole (>30cm) and carry your 🧻 home.

🅟 🚗
Use the parking lay-by's beside the road in front of the cliff. Cars should be strictly on the layby, no overlapping to the road. In case the layby is full, use the parking area of Solvalla institute further along the same road.