
40 sport

The area is access sensitive

The crag dries slowly in spring and is often used by nesting buzzards 🦅. The rough-legged buzzard is a rare, large and very aggressive bird, so climbing is not advisable before mid-July. ⚠️🌳There ar... Read more

We like Skorped

En av Sveriges mäktigaste och mest sandbaggade sportklippor
Helt klart värt ett besök! En gömd skatt i Västernorrlands inland. (Glöm ej myggmedel)
Nice sportclimbing crag! One of the better in northern Sweden

Activities on this crag

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The area is access sensitive!

The crag dries slowly in spring and is often used
by nesting buzzards 🦅. The rough-legged buzzard is a rare, large and very aggressive bird, so
climbing is not advisable before mid-July.

⚠️🌳There are endangerad species in the forrest,
do not walk outside the paths!

It is possible to camp at the lake, where there is a shelter and an outhouse.