No special access issues

Siirtolapuutarha can be easily reached, either by public or private transportation.

With public transportation, aim for Pellavakaskentie 20 (Latokaski) or Simaportti 1 (Vanttila) depending on your approach direction. The hike is slightly shorter from the Vanttila side.

If you are making your approach by car, head for one of the road side parking areas at Pellavakaskentie. Note the 4h limit between 06-18 at weekdays.

Some forest hiking is required to locate the climbing sectors. Follow the approach paths on the map if approaching from the Latokaski and they will lead you to the sectors. Hikes from Vanttila are a bit shorter and as easy, but pay attention when to turn to forest paths.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email