No special access issues
🔴The sector is always open and can be reached even in the coldest months without excessive snowfall, due to the low altitude. 🚶 Approach: From the first car park, take the wide, clean path on the l... Read more
Activities on this crag
- Elin Gustafsson • 4 hours agoupdated her to-do list- Zitto per dritto 6A
- Stella alpina 6A+
- Il bordello 6B
- La bega 6A+
... - Jonas Öhrström • 6 days agoupdated his tick list- Giù la testa 7A
- Bamba 6C+
- Passami la stecca 7C
- O' professò 7A
... - Elin Gustafsson • 6 days agoupdated her tick list- Please wait 6A
- G spot 5+
- Svolta a sinistra 6A - Daniele Baschenis • 8 months agoupdated his or her to-do list- Lo sforzo 6C+
- Bamba 7A
- Tupendo 6C
- Please wait 6A
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