
1 trad 41 boulder

The area is access sensitive

Rokokallio recreational area has public parking for 10 cars. You can follow white trail from parking to Far right sector (~500m) . Go left where there is small sign with arrow pointing left. You don't ... Read more

We like Rokokallio

Asterix-sector has some really cool lines.
Ympäristö on hieno, kivi aika terävää...
Siisti mesta ja paljon kiivettävää. Kivenlaatu vaihtelee timanttisesta hiekkakivimeiningistä kiteisiin linjasta riippuen, mutta seiskoja kiikkuvalle oiva mesta.

Activities on this crag

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The area is access sensitive!

Rokokallio recreational area has public parking for 10 cars. You can follow white trail from parking to Far right sector (~500m) . Go left where there is small sign with arrow pointing left. You don't have to climb on top of the Rokokallio (156m), but it has very nice views.