Trynekunsten sittstart thumbnail
War Pigs thumbnail
War Pigs
7B Boulder at Sohallen
SoHo thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Sohallen
Microburst thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Sohallen
Trynekunsten thumbnail
6C Boulder at Sohallen
Head Banger thumbnail
Head Banger
6C Boulder at Sohallen
Animal Farm thumbnail
Animal Farm
6B Boulder at Sohallen
Grand Marcassin thumbnail
Grand Marcassin
6B Boulder at Sohallen
Subtle rail thumbnail
Subtle rail
6A+ Boulder at Sohallen
Petit Marcassin thumbnail
Petit Marcassin
6A Boulder at Sohallen
Le Cochonet thumbnail
Le Cochonet
5 Boulder at Sohallen
Sohallen-projektet thumbnail
War Pigs sittstart thumbnail
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Sohallen
Roof project thumbnail
Roof project
? Boulder at Sohallen
Karsholms skog

The area is access sensitive!


🤫 The sector 'Kuben' and the blocs close by are located near some houses – keep a low profile here!
🗑 Remove all of your trash!
🧹 Brush off tickmarks and excessive chalk!

• Some parkings are quite small and may only fit one car.

• See the GPS trails on the map.