
Roche aux Corbeau is a small crag located about 1,5km downstream of Durbuy, "Belgium's Capital of Adventure". It's a nice crag to visit with the family for a day when you are visiting Durbuy.

The crag is not very known and not very busy at all, but below it runs a tourist path along the Ourthe, so although chances are you will be the only climbing party, there will be plenty of by-passers.

All the climbing is in the 5th and 6th grade. The cliff base is decent at the bottom but bad at the top/left. Below the crag, next to the river you'll finda pickick table.

The cliff is under maintenance of CAB.


The cliff was discovered by Jacques Stas in 1957.
He also opened the first routes. Around 19887-1992, Jean-Claude Vittoz, J-M Finet, P. Dumoulin, J-L Putz, et R. Grebeude opened the remaining routes.

Routes on Roche aux Corbeaux
26 sport 18 Likes
Premium topo by CAB - Belgian Limestone
Joe Dewez
from Moustier-sur-Sambre, Belgium
Tim De Mazière
from Europe