Sd, with ledge, descent via the boulder itself.
Sd, with both ledges, low traverse from the left to the right without the two big upper jugs. It ends at the very end - behind the right edge - of the sector.
Sd, with the ledge, between the cracksystem to the left and the dihedral to the right. Attention: Tree behind you! But in the crux, which is to find in the upper section, one falls to the left and doesn't hit it. Descent via "Narziss".
Cower-start on the ledge, then to the jugs and up to the end of "Schwimmen gegen den Strom". Descent via the right ledges.
Sd, without the right edge and both ledges, descent via "Narziss".
Sd, without the right ledge. Both ledges allowed; descent via the righthanded ledges.
Sd (crux) with the right edge.
Sd, with the right edge. Follow the easiest way til you reach the final jug of "Narziss". Descent also via "Narziss".