Open project. The traverse trough the whole sector from standing start left to the right.
Standing start at the left ledge, then diagonal through the wall to the right edge and up.
Sd. Nice Piaz-entrance to "Bürgermeister".
Sd. Definition: Hands in the wall, feet are allowed to step the dihedral. Exit via "Bürgermeister". Hard sidecrimping!
Open project. Standing start. Straight up through the wall without the left dihedral.
Combination of "Finale Längure" and the dyno of "Harz 4", so without the ledge and without the edge in the lower part..
Sd on sidehold in the overhang, traverse to the right and exit via "Aufschwung Ost". No definitions, morpho.
One has to climb completely left of edge and crack AND without the lower block in the lower part. Includes everything: Sd, Gaston, crimp, pinch, dyno to a jug ... .
Tricky Sd left of the edge, then straight up without definitions. Dynamic.
The first boulder here and one of the best. Sd below the little bulge, then straight up with the edge to the left. For smaller climbers hard for the grade.
Sd on a jug at the very left of the sector. Straight up into the slab - without escaping to the right - and via a little crimp to the lefthanded jugs of "Aufschwung Ost". Strange stand-up, strange left-swing.