Sitstart at the little block below the overhang. Classical mantle on the westside.
Little block below the overhang. Northside. Start with both hands on the right border of the edge and a "deep" left heelhook.
Sd-mantle-problem on a jammed block. Hands and feet only at the block. Start with the right edge and the lefthanded upper angle. Step carefully!
The easiest way up to the jug with everything you can hold and step on.
The traverse without the ledges from left to the right to the final hold of "Fallbeil" without using the right edge. Starts left standing in the wall with the left hand on the crack-edge.
Simple traverse from the left to the right. Aim is the top of "Fallbeil". Unfortunately the ledges are too big, but in theory there is an traverse without the ledges possible.
Standing start in the middle of the slab below the overhang, then straight up and to the lefthanded jug - dynamically is the easiest way. Minicrimps in the upper part.
(No official route, because it lies out of the route-sector and it is not completely bolted, yet!) Start in the middle of the slab, up to a lefthanded jug, rest and straight through the overhang, followed by a not so easy mantle. As a boulder the whole thing should be 7B+. Smaller climbers have to jump to the edge, but this is harder.
The direct finish of "Le Coup". The end are the crackholds at the beginning of the overhang; without the jug to the left. FA: Ole Venus, 15.08.2019.
Sd on a good crimp, the slightly left to the top. Watch your feet, if you fail! The name comes from Guillotinen-like sunken blocs in front of the boulder. Better you don't touch the upper block, which is still in the wall.
"Le Pup" without the left wall for hands and feet. Standing start, holding the edge is allowed.