The area is access sensitive
Parking only on the parking space described! Behave extra carefully on sectors Uimaranta and Rautapiha which are situated close to habitation. Google Navigation functions wrong for Niementie and it d... Read more
We like Riskeläisvuori
Kari Laitila
Mukava länsimuuri, aurinkoinen. Mukava access yläkautta. Leirintäalueelta voi vuokrata veneen salmen ylitykseen.
Anna Noro-Strengell
Stunning location and views, but best visited later in the autumn or early in the spring, as the place is very hot in the summer and the rock is quite smooth and slippery.
Hanna Hesse
Activities on this crag
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The area is access sensitive!
Parking only on the parking space described! Behave extra carefully on sectors Uimaranta and Rautapiha which are situated close to habitation.
Google Navigation functions wrong for Niementie and it doesn't recognize the last road to parking at all. Thus, Google directs you to wrong place. Please check the map-page for better location.