King of Bongo thumbnail
Un Monde du Brutes thumbnail
Combination thumbnail
Une Dose de EPO thumbnail
Viva Festina 2 thumbnail
Energie Renouvelable                      thumbnail
Solitud thumbnail
Diedre Suspendu 2 thumbnail
3ème Millénaire 2 thumbnail
La Voie du Siècle thumbnail
La Reina de las Columnas thumbnail
La Guapa en Peligro thumbnail
Rififi au Tour de France 2 thumbnail
État d’Espirit              thumbnail
Espirit d’État 1 thumbnail
Espirit d’État 2 thumbnail
La Guerre a la Luna 2 thumbnail
Le Plaisir et l’Angoisse thumbnail
Los Gabachos thumbnail
Wawanko 3 thumbnail
Patchanka 2 thumbnail
Monzón thumbnail
3ème Millénaire 1 thumbnail
Asset sur Image thumbnail
Le Voleur de Vuillet  thumbnail
Diedre Suspendu 1 thumbnail
Olor de Porchezigas thumbnail
Paraíso de los Limpiadores thumbnail
Le Fernec thumbnail
Viva Festina 1 thumbnail
Rififi au Tour de France 1 thumbnail
Wawanko 2 thumbnail
Une Dose de EPO 1 thumbnail
La Guerre a la Luna  1 thumbnail
Le Voleur de Vuillet 1 thumbnail
La Mort de Près thumbnail
Wawanko 1 thumbnail
Clandestino thumbnail
Zone d’Impact 1 thumbnail
Zone d’Impact 2 thumbnail
Patchanka 1 thumbnail
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Cuidado al Bonzai thumbnail
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Fourchelongue thumbnail
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5 Sport
La Parte des Coulairs du Temps thumbnail
L’Odyssée du passeur d’aùrores thumbnail
Crépescule Nuclaìre             thumbnail
Crépescule Nuclaìre thumbnail

Climbing has been limited!

Despite a bird-ban prohibiting climbing between January 10th and July 31st. we are still left with some stunning rock on which it is possible to climb legally for a part of year.

Pratdip is a small village in the southern part of Tarragona province. It is located approximately 6km inland from the coastal AP-7 motorway and is reached via the T-310 road. From the village follow the TV-3111 road towards the village of Llaberia. Approximately 280m after passing the Km-3 sign park in a small lay-by on the right-hand side of the road (P3). There is an ‘Area Privada de Casa’ signpost here. The lay-by is only big enough for two or three vehicles but there is a similarly sized space just around the next bend. From the first parking area follow a vague path (cairn at the beginning) up the wooded hillside and then leftwards, passing several more cairns. After about 150m the path joins a dirt track. Turn left and follow this for approximately 160m to where it fades out by a circular stone formation. Continue in the same direction, now on a small but reasonably well-marked path, keeping to the crest of the ridge, which offers magnificent vistas of the valley below. Roughly 10 minutes after leaving the parking area the path reaches the top of a steep gully. Descend this, joining a more prominent path coming in from the left after 20m, and passing both blue, and yellow/green paint marks on the rock. There is an old fixed rope on one slightly tricky section. At the bottom of the gully there is a small signpost with information about climbing restrictions in the area. Turn right here (facing out) and follow a path along the foot of some impressive walls. There are several routes here, but this part of the cliff falls inside the year-round bird-ban zone. Approximately 80m from the base of the gully the path splits: take the right fork (blue paint marks) continuing along the foot of the wall and passing more ‘banned’ climbs. About 250m from the gully another restriction signpost is reached: this is where the sector begins (20 mins).

Note: a bird-ban is in place on this sector prohibiting climbing between January 10th and July 31st.
The sector immediately left and right of the descent gully ‘Portell del Carreter’ has a year-round ban.