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Esoterrorist, 7A
Added by Marko Kauko
Grade opinions
Video beta
@ 06:53
Timo Etterer over 1 year ago.
Danilo Salles over 7 years ago.
@ 18:47
Robert Schleicher over 7 years ago.

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Ascents from public tick lists

Katrin Svensson
Red point
Lotta Jansson
Red point
Olof hittade nyckelgreppet
Jarmo Annunen
Red point
Supercool! A couple of tries.
Sakari McGregor
Red point
Such a nice problem, one of the nicest ones I've climbed in Rocklands so far...
Erik Hagelin
Red point
Hail the longboy soloution. Dyno all the way to the top without that nasty sloperish hard-to-get-hold on the edge. Arch valley, what a spot!
Jens Wilhelm
Red point

Public to-do list entries

Sooooooooo close. I have to become taller or stronger for next time :)