UNLOCK Pickala Premium

UNLOCK Pickala Premium

With Pickala Premium you get:

  • 22 climbing routes with detailed descriptions
  • 4 high quality topo images
  • 1 sectors with extra details
  • Unlimited access to all the other 4118 Premium crags around the world
  • Offline mode: Use topos even when there's no Internet connection
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No credit card required.

The area is access sensitive!

Parkkeeraus valkoisen katoksen läheiselle alueelle on kielletty arkisin kello 07-17:00 välisenä aikana. Tila on koulubussien kääntöalue.

Liikenteen melu saattaa haitata kiipeilijän ja varmistajan kommunikointia.

Ei avotulen tekoa.

No parking nearby the white canopy area during the weekdays between 07-17:00 a clock. The area is a school bus turning area.

Traffic noise may seriously interferes the climber's and belayer's communication.

No open fire.