
6 sport 11 trad

Access info missing

Crag is missing access information, so remember that climbing is not always permitted. When parking, remember to leave unobstructed way for local habitants and agricultural machinery. Do not litter or make unnecessarily loud noises when at the cliff. Making fire is allowed only with a permit! Read more

We like Phantom Spires

With a desolate and somewhat eery feel surrounding them, The Phantom Spires lie on a ridge southeast of Lover's Leap in Tahoe. After taking a road that isn't marked, follow an off-road trail for about 2 miles up to the parking lot. From here, hike up the obvious trail to the spires that lie spread out on the ridge of the mountain. There are three main spires: upper, middle, and lower. However, there are many other rock formations with lines to be climbed on them such as Shark's Tooth which is on the lower side of the ridge.
A bizarre area that leads you down an offroading road, passing empty campsites to a ususally empty parking lot. The trail leads along a ledge that has thick brush and random rocks. Three main spires obtrude from the mountain side. The rock has knobs that create routes. Good thing everything can be top-roped, because the leads are sketchy. The rock has many potential routes, as well as other untouched boulders.Look out for rattlesnakes!
There is something pretty magical about large masses of granite that jut several hundred feet skyward on the steep slope of the mountain leading into desolation wilderness

Activities on this crag

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