
The sectors around Rupprechtsdegen are facing south as well as north, what makes it an all year round destination.
Especially the southern orientated sectors are very exposed what makes them drying very fast within a few hours. Furthermore you can find sunny wind protected slots where you can easily climb on sunny winter days. The north facing sectors stay wet for long time. Best season here is autumn and summer.

Vertical climbing on more or less small holds is predominated. Unique in its style is "Emporwand" with its vertical athletic lines on tiny crimps in high grades. Similar but way easier is "Ankertalwand. At "Roter Fels" you find the longest routes in the northern Frankenjura. Have an eye on your rope length, many routes are longer than 35 meters. At "Ankertal Turm" you get the steepest routes here. Powerful climbing on jugs and smaller pockets are a welcome variety to the other sectors.

Only kids suitable base is "Ankertal Turm". It directly at the hiking trail though. All other sectors are not hard to get there but the crag's base is steep wood

All along the River "Pegnitz" you find good restaurants and beer gardens. In Velden is an excellent cafe with cakes. Little shoppings can be done here as well. Accommodation is all around. If you want to stay in a yurt in awesome community go to velden and ask.

💎 Goodies

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Routes on Pegnitztal - Rupprechtsdegen
129 sport 10 trad 15 Likes
Premium topo by Frankentopo
Tim De Mazière
from Europe
Hanna Vartia
from Europe
André Donk
from Frankenjura
Pegnitztal - Rupprechtsdegen

Climbing has been limited!

⛔️ 🦅
"Roter Fels" is closed from 1.2. until 30.6 because of breading birds

The sectors are spread around the village "Rupprechtsdegen" located in the "Pegnitztal". Take Motorway A9 Bayreuth - Nürnberg and take exit #47 Hormersdorf. Take the street soutth towards "Hormersdorf". After 800 meters you're in "Hormersdorf" the village turn left immediately towards "Rupprechtdegen", "Velden". After 6.5 km you enter "Rupprechtsdegen" Tun left. First parking (AnkatalWand/Turm) is to your right after 270 meters. Parking for all other sectors is in the next left bend after 950 meters to your left.

You can already spot the Tower (Ankatal Turm) across the street. Keep left towards the forest road. A Trail is leading to the Tower to your right. Ankatal Wand is right next to the Forest Road.

For all other sectors take next parking.

Go back the street towards "Rupprechtsdegen" and pass the railroad bridge. Take the foot path up the hill to your right immediately after the bridge.

Zsigmondy Gedenk Wand:
Go back the street towards "Rupprechtsdegen" for 120 meters and cross the river via the bridge. Turn left and follow the hiking trail for 260 meters. The Crag is right to your right.

Go back the street towards "Rupprechtsdegen" for 120 meters and cross the river via the bridge. Turn left and follow the hiking trail for100 meters. The Crag is right to your right.

Roter Fels:
Follow the road towards Velden. Just around the corner the first part is to your left. A trail is leading up tu the wall. next parts are just a few 50ish meters down the road.