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Neuhauser Wand

The area is access sensitive!

The crag is very popular and the neighbors are not always happy with climbers.
Please park only in legal, public parking places. It is located in the center of the village and there are houses nearby, so keep the noise down and be extra friendly and considerate.
Make sure not to venture onto private properties.

The crag is located in the village Neuhaus along the "Hauptstraße, st.2189" connecting Hollfeld and Aufseß.
Park only on legal, public, designated parking spots as indicated. If the parking is full, find another parking and take a longer walk. Do in no case try to squeeze in your vehicle thinking "it's ok". The relations with the neighbours are sensitive and they have to be able to pass with agricultural machinery.

Follow the road to the end. The crag is behind the farmhouse.

25 routes on 6 topos
Parking space
Neuhauser Wand
General marker for the crag