No special access issues
By metro, the walk in from Myllypuro station is a bit less than 1 km. Alternatively you can come by car and park close to the school and kindergarten. Obey the parking signs. Brushing of moss to estab... Read more
Activities on this crag
- Olli Paloheimo • 5 months agoupdated his or her tick list- Rouva Vilijonkka 4
- Tuutikki 4+
- Niiskuneiti 5
- Lämppä 4+ - Aarni Velhonoja • 5 months agoupdated his tick list- Nipsun kotikolo 5
- Hosuli 4+
- Näkymätön lapsi 4+ - Aarni Velhonoja • 5 months agoupdated his tick list- Sunnuntailenkki 5
- Karanteenikuru 6A
- Kantiton 6A+
- Kanttia kanssa 6A
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