
All sectors offer a bunch of south facing sections what makes it climbable on longer sunny winter days, as well as all the rest of the year. The surrounding deciduous forest makes it shady in summer time.

Rain proof routes are rare. A slight exposure of several sections at all sectors makes it worth a try in this area.

Most routes are vertical or slabs with a lot of pockets or crimps and offer perfect rock quality. Climbing with mostly good protection is predominantly technical

Best sector that is suitable for kids is "Mostvieler Kletterblock". Access is short and the base is relatively flat. Aware of falling rocks!
Access to the other sectors is quite devastated by storms what makes the access impossible for buggies and young kids. "Unentwegtenwand" has quite flat base though but there are better crags for kids.

The place to be is Camping Eichler in "Untertrubach" ..not only for accommodation but good cake, as well.. In "Obertrubach" or "Egloffstein" you can find good restaurants and cafes. For bigger shopping go to "Ebermannstadt" or "Gößweinstein".

Routes on Mostvieler Klettergarten
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