Vnady thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Deravá
Na pamiatku prvej baterke thumbnail
Myšlienkové pochody thumbnail
Ľavá cesta thumbnail
Ľavá cesta
5+ Sport at Deravá
Dieravá thumbnail
5+ Sport at Deravá
Cukrík thumbnail
5+ Sport at Deravá
Stopangin thumbnail
5+ Sport at Deravá
Kalvádos thumbnail
5+ Sport at Deravá
Ťažký nástup thumbnail
Triaslo by ma thumbnail
Triaslo by ma
4+ Sport at Deravá
Sebarealizácia thumbnail
Pravá cesta thumbnail
Pravá cesta
4 Sport at Deravá
Manínska úžina Malý Manín

Climbing has been limited!

Climbing in following sectors has been limited for the period 15.6 - 31.12 !!!
Slnečné steny - all sectors
Manínska stráž juhozápadná stena
Stratené veže

Climbing in other sectors is allowed all-year round.

For the approach to each sector check in the "description".