Kalkkilaivan kapteeni ss thumbnail
Kalkkilaivan kapteeni thumbnail
Puun Puolesta thumbnail
Puun Puolesta
7B Boulder at Niittysipoo
Sipoon lukko thumbnail
Sipoon lukko
7A+ Boulder at Niittysipoo
Lännenpuoli tarina thumbnail
Sound of music thumbnail
Sound of music
7A+ Boulder at Niittysipoo
Bulky ballerina thumbnail
Bulge Ballerina thumbnail
Ruby rööri thumbnail
Ruby rööri
6C+ Boulder at Niittysipoo
Logisk linje thumbnail
Logisk linje
6C Boulder at Niittysipoo
Sound of music stand start thumbnail
Ruskaa Pakkasella thumbnail
Pokettiralli thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Niittysipoo
Kaksi sormea ballerinaan thumbnail
Snake skin oil thumbnail
Snake skin oil
6B+ Boulder at Niittysipoo
Altto Veenus thumbnail
Altto Veenus
6B Boulder at Niittysipoo
Lefty ballerina thumbnail
Taisteluhamsteri thumbnail
Uranuurtaja thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Niittysipoo
Edelweiss thumbnail
4 Boulder at Niittysipoo
Fat ballerina thumbnail
Fat ballerina
3+ Boulder at Niittysipoo

The area is access sensitive!

Follow the trails accordingly from the parking spots to the climbing areas. The forest block can also be approached from the Niittysipoo area through the forest. The Niittysipoo parking spot is good for max two cars.

Respect the locals and nature, keep quiet and tidy up once finished climbing.