
📆 BEST SEASON: Lacremà basso , Lacremà la nuvola, Bric Reseghe: 1-12 Casa del Vacchè, Falesia dello Scoiattolo: 10-5
La Fornace: 9-12

☀️ SUN DURING THE MORNING: Lacremà basso , Lacremà la nuvola, Bric Reseghe
SUN DURING THE AFTERNOON: Casa del Vacchè, Falesia dello Scoiattolo
SUN ALL DAY: La Fornace

⚠️Climbing has been restricted during hawk nesting periods from 01/01 to 31/07 for BRIC RESEGHE and LA FORNACE, and it's permanent for the right part of CASA DEL VACCHE' (after the line called Peter Pan)

•S-E: La fornace, Bric Reseghe
•S: Casa del Vacchè •E: Lacremà settore basso, La Nuvola
•W-S-W: Falesia dello Scoiattolo

👪 FAMILY FRIENDLY: NO in Lacremà settore la Nuvola, Casa del Vacchè, La Fornace

LACREMA' SETTORE BASSO: vertical walls with various very technical ways
LACREMA' SETTORE LA NUVOLA: a little-considered crag with overhanging and short vias.
BRIC RESEGHE: really beautiful environment and wall covered by the wind that offers different grades, from the simplest up to 8a, useful for people who are approaching climbing thanks to close bolting, as well as having a really comfortable base suitable for everyone.
CASA DEL VACCHE': beautiful rock with the possibility of climbing on different grades
FALESIA DELLO SCOIATTOLO: comfortable base, beautiful rock and short routes, all on 10 m.
LA FORNACE:one of the most beautiful cliffs in the Finale area, made of red rock from which you have a wonderful view, suitable for the winter period.

LACREMA' SETTORE BASSO: muri verticali con varie vie molto tecniche
LACREMA' SETTORE LA NUVOLA: una falesia poco considerata con via strapiombanti e brevi.
BRIC RESEGHE: ambiente davvero bello e parete coperta dal vento che offre diversi gradi, dal più semplice fino all'8a, utile per persone che si stanno approcciando all'arrampicata grazie alla chiodatura ravvicinata, oltre ad avere una base davvero comoda e adatta a tutti.
CASA DEL VACCHE': bella roccia con possibilità di scalata su diversi gradi
FALESIA DELLO SCOIATTOLO: base comoda, bella roccia e vie brevi, tutte sui 10 m.
LA FORNACE: una falesia delle più belle del finalese, fatta di roccia rossa dalla quale si ha una vista stupenda, adatta al periodo invernale.
LACREMA' SETTORE BASSO: vertikale Wände mit verschiedenen sehr technischen Möglichkeiten
LACREMA' SETTORE LA NUVOLA: ein wenig beachteter Klettergarten mit überhängenden und kurzen Vias.
BRIC RESEGHE: wirklich schöne Umgebung und windbedeckte Wand, die verschiedene Schwierigkeitsgrade bietet, von den einfachsten bis zu 8a, nützlich für Leute, die sich dem Klettern nähern, dank enger Bohrhaken, sowie eine wirklich bequeme Basis, die für alle geeignet ist.
CASA DEL VACCHE': schöner Felsen mit der Möglichkeit, in verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden zu klettern
FALESIA DELLO SCOIATTOLO: bequeme Basis, schöner Fels und kurze Routen, alles auf 10 m.
LA FORNACE:Eine der schönsten Klippen im Finale-Gebiet, aus rotem Fels, von der aus man eine wunderbare Aussicht hat, geeignet für die Winterzeit.


LACREMA' SETTORE BASSO:this sector was equipped between 1986 and 1989 by various people and was almost completely rebolted in 1995 by the UISP. Among the main bolters we find Gino Pittaluga and Marco Tomassini.
Four new lines have recently been equipped by Mauro Carena. All four pitches (Fiano alla fine 7b, Per Elena 6a, Pieni di niente 8a, La seconda vita 6c+) were freed by Davide Carena

LACREMA' LA NUVOLA:The first lines date back to 1987 but in 2009 M. Tomassini and D. Allegretti added new lines

CASA DEL VACCHE':is a crag equipped at the end of the 80s by Fulvio Balbi and Diego Nesi which is being rebolted by Marco Tomassini

FALESIA DELLO SCOIATTOLO: crag equipped by Giorgio Delfino on 2017 in October

LA FORNACE:this crag was bolted in 2012 by Matteo Felanda and Giovanni Merega, Claudia Giglio, Angelo Corso and Luca Grasso, then expanded between 2020 and 2022 by Anna Enrich and Mike Schwitter

BRIC RESEGHE:this crag takes its name from the mountain on which it is located. it was equipped in 1993 by A. and R. Mareri with 11 routes. An excellent job of cleaning and bolting was done by Marco Tomassini, Silvio Segala and Claudio Ghersi which lasted about two years

Routes on Lacremá
174 sport 9 Likes
Premium topo by M&M
Michelle  Russo
from Finale Ligure
Mikael Treppo
from Finale Ligure

Climbing has been limited!

⚠️access has been restricted during hawk nesting periods from 01/01 to 31/07 for BRIC RESEGHE and LA FORNACE, and it's permanent for the right part of CASA DEL VACCHE' (after the line called Peter Pan)

🅿️ see the map to park, click on the 🅿️ to reach it.

⏳ time to approach: from 10 min to 35 min.

🚶‍♂️From Finale Ligure go towards Finalpia then going up to Boragni, before the Calvisio campsite go up to the church of San Cipriano. Continue on foot passing through Calvisio Vecchio and go up a small road, at the first crossroads take a left to reach the Settore Basso (10 mins). If you go ahead and pass a house and at the crossroads, follow the small road with a red square trail sign, you will reach the crossroads to get to Bric Reseghe (15 mins). track to take a path that reaches the base of the cliff. Continuing on, on your right you will find the settore La Nuvola (10 mins).To reach the Casa del Vacchè cliff instead, after the house, go down following the red rhombus trail sign for about 20 minutes until you find a cave on your left, at this point turn right going down and then up until you reach the wall (25 min ).The Falesia dello Scoiattolo is accessed as Casa del Vacchè, but once you reach the Camporotondo/Casa del Vacchè crossroads, continue uphill until you reach a gate, continue following a low wall until you walk on a rocky track, after very little on a tree you will find a red mark, from here you go right up to a fixed rope and then another to reach the cliff.
To reach La Fornace: from the church of S. Cipriano where you park, take the small road to the left near an oratory, keep left at the first crossroads, shortly after you leave it, turn right and follow the red line trail, going forward you pass a water tank walking among olive trees. Just before a spring near a tree with trail markers (red triangle with red dot and vertical line), climb a low wall to the right, taking the path that leads to the cliff, reach a fixed rope, climb another 30 meters on the right arriving at a rock wall that rises, continue to the right and after a few meters return to the left until you reach the second fixed rope that will lead to the wall. (20 min.)