Kostolecká tiesňava

Climbing has been limited!

The climbing is limited for the period from 15.6. to 31.12. !!!

Approach: from the Manin Strait continue through the village of Záskalie. Behind the village, just before the strait, there are several parking spaces along the road on the left hand side. Park considerately!!!

Kostolná veža:
from the car park before the strait, continue towards the village of Kostolec, after you have entered Kostolecká Strait, it is some 20m immediately on your left.

Kostolecký piliér and Kostolecký dóm:
from the car park before the strait, continue towards the village of Kostolec. When you have reached the information board, turn left and continue uphill.

Kostolecké rebro III:
from the car park before the strait, continue towards the village of Kostolec. Half way through the strait, there is a path to the left and up the hill. After approximately 200m, turn right and continue under the rock ribs. The approach is exposed.

Kostolná veža
10 routes on 2 topos
Kostolecký pilier a dóm
41 routes on 4 topos
III. Kostolecké rebro
27 routes on 1 topo
Parking on the side of the road, park considerately!!!
Kostolecká tiesňava
General marker for the crag