
Popular area, much due to the Kalle campsite. There is a lot of rock in this area, with quite a lot of potential, especially in the area around Morstadeggen. The rock in the area is solid, but tends to be a bit sharp on some of the boulders.


Because of the Kalle campsite, and the nearby area of Paradiset, this is one of the most well frequented bouldering areas among the Lofoten islands. The first ascensionists are in most cases unknown, in true local style. But it is safe to say that some bouldering was done in the area in the late 70's, if not earlier.

Routes on Kallestranda bouldering
44 boulder 11 Likes
Premium topo by Bouldering in Lofoten
Mikael Kralmark
from Oslo
Pasi Jokinen
from Helsinki, Finland
Jonas Paulsson
from Stockholm, Sweden
Kallestranda bouldering

The area is access sensitive!

Take off from the E10 towards Hopen and Kalle. After 800 meters take right on the dirt road towards Kalle rorbu. Just before the Kalle rorbu area, take a right up the hill to a large parking area (paid parking, new since 2021).
Please note that this is the only allowed parking area. The whole Kallestranda area is on private land, so always make sure to treat land owners as well as other visitors with respect.