
🧗‍♂️ Most likely the best single bloc in the south of Sweden, packed with steep overhanging lines. It hosts a slew of difficult climbs, among them the first 8B+ in Skåne "Luftig kö till nålens öga" established by Erik Bäcklin. The main bloc has a few easier climbs as well, however most of the good stuff is in the moderate to hard grade range.

Visiting Frenchmen Tony Lamiche and Julien Nadiras put up the king line on the backside in 2006, dubbing it "Benchmark 7B+" — a reference to all the sandbagged 7B+ problems in Kjugekull. The sit to the same line, conquered shortly after the stand by Lamiche — might very well be one of the best lines in Sweden and most certainly in Skåne.

Scattered around Hultastenen and in the surrounding forest are a dozen other blocs of the same pleasant rock quality. Most of the climbs are lowballs in the easier grades, but a couple fine highballs have also been put up. It's a small hike to get to them and probably a bit of searching as well, but it's well worth it.

💎 Top Blocs
▪️ Näsan – 5+
▪️ Hög puls – 6A+
▪️ Honey Bunny – 6B
▪️ Sjuttiosexan – 6C+
▪️ Döderhultarn – 7A
▪️ Kusin Vitamin – 7B
▪️ Mamma Mu – 7C
▪️ Högmod – 7C+
▪️ Benchmark 7B+ sit – 8A+
▪️ Bo-Ko – 8B
▪️ Den nattliga havsfärden – 8C

Routes on Hultastenen
115 boulder 54 Likes
Premium topo by KjugeBloc
Alexander Ristinmaa
from Lund, Sweden
Marcello Mårtensson
from Sweden (Nicaraguan roots)
Bjørn Arnel Iisager
from Copenhagen, Denmark

The area is access sensitive!


⛔️ Avoid climbing on the boulder closest to the houses!
⛔️ Take care to close the gate when there's grazing cattle!
🤫 "Hultastenen" is close to a few houses – be respectful and keep a low profile!
🗑 Remove all of your trash!
🧹 Brush off tickmarks and excessive chalk!
🚜 Park so that large vehicles can pass by!

• The Parkings are marked on the map.

• See the GPS trails on the map.