Komprese thumbnail
8A Boulder at Zeli
Pramen thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Homeless
V tenzi thumbnail
V tenzi
7C+ Boulder at Utajený dach
Artista thumbnail
7C Boulder at Neurvalec
Dunkelheit thumbnail
7C Boulder at Epitaf
Rosný bod thumbnail
Rosný bod
7C Boulder at King Size
Bez bolesti thumbnail
Bez bolesti
7B+ Boulder at Prokousnutej ret
Huligen thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Soliter
Pekelná lišta thumbnail
Pekelná lišta
7B+ Boulder at Diamant
Hrátky osudu thumbnail
Borsč thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Zimní romance
Z nory thumbnail
Z nory
7B Boulder at Jezevčí nora
Night ride thumbnail
Night ride
7B Boulder at Homeless
Spoďáček thumbnail
King Size thumbnail
King Size
7B Boulder at King Size
Eder thumbnail
7B Boulder at King Size
Rež a rubaj thumbnail
Rež a rubaj
7B Boulder at Rubačka
No hand No foot thumbnail
Neurvalec thumbnail
7B Boulder at Neurvalec
Leviathan thumbnail
7B Boulder at Utajený dach
Batalion thumbnail
7B Boulder at Podzimní pohoda
Ohnivý sokol thumbnail
Kdo hledá... thumbnail
Jan nemá žulu rád... thumbnail
Podivný dar low thumbnail
Balerina thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Balerina
Holubinec thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Holubice
Až to uschne thumbnail
Až to uschne
7A+ Boulder at Zeli
Vpravo v bok thumbnail
Vpravo v bok
7A+ Boulder at Brambora
Rudý kardinál thumbnail
Rudý kardinál
7A+ Boulder at Jednička
U schodů thumbnail
U schodů
7A+ Boulder at Kočičáky
No topo image available
Pravý hák
7A+ Boulder at Neurvalec
Strom života thumbnail
Strom života
7A+ Boulder at V Lomu
Krahujec thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Zimní romance
Špioni z prcu thumbnail
Poštolka thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Zimní romance
Fist thumbnail
7A Boulder at Stojí s pěstí
Pod jezevčí skálou thumbnail
Padák thumbnail
7A Boulder at Brambora
Levá hrana thumbnail
Vyšší dívčí thumbnail
Vyšší dívčí
7A Boulder at V lomu
Do třetice thumbnail
Do třetice
7A Boulder at Jednička
Pod cestou thumbnail
Pod cestou
7A Boulder at Pod cestou
Paragon Belial thumbnail
Whiskas thumbnail
7A Boulder at Na úpatí
Akvárko thumbnail
7A Boulder at Závojnatka
Pozdrav z Antverp thumbnail
Pozdrav z Antverp
7A Boulder at Diamant
První sníh thumbnail
První sníh
7A Boulder at Kobliha
Kitiara thumbnail
7A Boulder at Verminaard
Nad jezevčí SD thumbnail
Kde nic neni... thumbnail
Kde nic neni...
7A Boulder at V Lomu
Věčná stráž thumbnail
Čekání na jaro thumbnail
Šišky v krabici thumbnail
Šišky v krabici
6C+ Boulder at Jednička
Podivný dar thumbnail
Podivný dar
6C+ Boulder at Sněhulák
Krkavec thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Zimní romance
Velrybí stolička thumbnail
Malej ale šikovnej thumbnail
Malej ale šikovnej
6C+ Boulder at Krom
Vinyasa thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Yoga trilogy
Dynámko thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Podzimní pohoda
Vanoční stromeček thumbnail
Vanoční stromeček
6C+ Boulder at Smrcek
Dýmkové koření thumbnail
Král je jen jeden thumbnail
Pod 1. kruh stand thumbnail
Perla stand thumbnail
Perla stand
6C+ Boulder at Perlorodka
Pachový ohradník thumbnail
Dáma s erbem thumbnail
Dáma s erbem
6C+ Boulder at Muchomurka
Hravá linie thumbnail
Hravá linie
6C+ Boulder at Držkopád
Hranka thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Muchomurka
Zkrat thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Zkrat
Naftalíňák thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Mucholap
Stříška thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Traverzík
Čepička thumbnail
Parsifal thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Zimní romance
Witness of blood thumbnail
Faseta thumbnail
6C Boulder at Diamant
Alcalagon thumbnail
6C Boulder at Orodruina
Outdoor Moonboard thumbnail
Beautiful Edge thumbnail
Beautiful Edge
6C Boulder at Bella Vista
Dyno thumbnail
6C Boulder at Prokousnutej ret
Horizontála thumbnail
6C Boulder at Soliter
Setník thumbnail
6C Boulder at Půlhrnec
Tlama thumbnail
6C Boulder at Žralok
Vlk thumbnail
6C Boulder at Krom
Držkopád thumbnail
6C Boulder at Držkopád
Bomba thumbnail
6C Boulder at Bomba
Polovysokej thumbnail
6C Boulder at Kolmac
Vlaštovka thumbnail
6C Boulder at Esterhazy
Diamantová sekyra thumbnail
Diamantová sekyra
6C Boulder at Diamant
Krajáč smetany thumbnail
Aladinova lampa thumbnail
Aladinova lampa
6C Boulder at V roští
Rybička thumbnail
6C Boulder at Závojnatka
Lusknutí thumbnail
6C Boulder at Asymptota
Levá dva thumbnail
Levá dva
6C Boulder at Jednička
Holubí linka thumbnail
Holubí linka
6C Boulder at Holubice
Traverzik thumbnail
6C Boulder at Traverzík
Pravý růžek thumbnail
Pravý růžek
6C Boulder at Zmije
Houština thumbnail
Mechová hrana thumbnail
Prokletí turisti thumbnail
Hejnický hřeben

Climbing has been limited!

Approach by car to Lázně Libverda, parking places are marked in the map. The area is tourist friendly and parking has enough capacity. The area is extended and covers whole Hejnický hřeben. Access to the boulders is good using trails of Singltrek pod Smrkem and tourist paths. Average time from the parking place to the nearest boulders is around 10 minutes walking. Trails are marked on the map.

Climbing in Jizerske hory is regulated by order no.200/1999 and consequently OOP no. 4/2021.

Important is that there are two types of area within Jizerske hory where climbing is limited.

1) Area (highlighted in red in attached map) where climbing is fully prohibited (you cannot leave marked paths and trails) except directly named traditional crags. List of crags where climbing is allowed is in annex of OOP no.4/2021.
2) Area (highlighted in pink in attached map) where climbing (according definition stated hereinafter ) is allowed on any rock objects.
3) In other areas only general restrictions of nature protection rules has to be adhered.

Within the regulations mentioned hereinbefore for areas 1) and 2) by climbing is understood only sport climbing with optional use of fixed or temporary belaying points. Chalk is allowed from grade VIIIB of Jizerska classification scale (approximately relates to 6C+/7A Fb. class. – check the attached chart).
Bouldering according following definition is not allowed neither in area 2) (where you can outside of marked paths and trails). Bouldering for purpose of OOP no.4/2021 is defined as a climbing on rocks with lower height with use of bouldering pad / crash pad for safety purposes. Purely sport aspect of climbing is accented in relatively safe conditions, climber aims for most difficult ascent from sport physical point of view.