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Climbing has been limited

The cliff area is the eurasian eagle-owl territory. Climbing is not allowed in the spring time. Climbing allowed from July. Access to parking space via Liikalantie. There is a small dirt road that goe... Read more

We like Haukkavuori, Jyväskylä

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Activities on this crag

Haukkavuori, Jyväskylä

Climbing has been limited!

The cliff area is the eurasian eagle-owl territory. Climbing is not allowed in the spring time. Climbing allowed from July.

Access to parking space via Liikalantie. There is a small dirt road that goes under the E75, which is not drawn on google map.

There are endangered plant species living close by to the small stream about 7 meters from the cliff base. Please avoid walking close by to the stream.