Everything is Awesome thumbnail
Business is Business thumbnail
Will Power thumbnail
Will Power
8a+ Sport at Hållsunga
Back to Business thumbnail
Loch Ness thumbnail
Loch Ness
8a Sport at Bräcke
Lyckans ost thumbnail
Lyckans ost
8a Sport at Bräcke
Show Business thumbnail
It ain’t over until the fat lady sings thumbnail
Monkey Business thumbnail
Arne Næss thumbnail
Arne Næss
7c+ Sport at Bräcke
Lycka till thumbnail
Lycka till
7c+ Sport at Bräcke
Gates Power thumbnail
Gates Power
7c+ Sport at Hållsunga
Ålen thumbnail
7c Sport at Bräcke
Baby Business thumbnail
Funky Business thumbnail
Funky Business
7b+ Sport at Hållsunga
Cuatrocientos conejillos thumbnail
Gates thumbnail
7b Sport at Hållsunga
No Thinking thumbnail
No Thinking
7b Sport at Hållsunga
Hulken thumbnail
7a+ Sport at Hållsunga
Tessy thumbnail
7a Sport at Bräcke
Funky Town thumbnail
Funky Town
7a Sport at Hållsunga
Birka thumbnail
7a Sport at Hållsunga
Kovikshamn thumbnail
7a Sport at Hållsunga
Fankydelic thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Hållsunga
Frankenstein thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Hållsunga
Psychodelic thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Hållsunga
Dracula thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Hållsunga
Old Kids on the Block thumbnail
Hannibal thumbnail
6c Sport at Hållsunga
Till tops beste far thumbnail
Solsidan thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Hållsunga
Ball thumbnail
6b Sport at Hållsunga
Bilbo thumbnail
6b Sport at Bräcke
Bull thumbnail
6b Sport at Hållsunga
Lukas thumbnail
6b Sport at Bräcke
Ormen thumbnail
6b Sport at Bräcke
Big Brother thumbnail
Big Brother
6a+ Sport at Hållsunga
Bill thumbnail
6a+ Sport at Hållsunga
Modesty Blaise thumbnail
Fried rice thumbnail
Fried rice
6a Sport at Bräcke
? thumbnail
6a Sport at Hållsunga
Myran thumbnail
5+ Sport at Hållsunga
Till Ulrica thumbnail
Till Ulrica
5+ Sport at Hållsunga
Snälla grannar thumbnail
Sluta bulta mina kilturer thumbnail
Project thumbnail
? Sport at Hållsunga

The area is access sensitive!

At Hållsunga park only at the marked parking lot not close to any buildings.

Pay for the parking at the box uphill towards the crag.

There is no good parking spot at Bräcke, it is recommended to use the parking for Hållsunga.

Check even https://access.bergsport.se/hallsunga/ and https://access.bergsport.se/bracke/.

From Göteborg take motorway E6 northwards. Leave the motorway at exit 86, Kungälvsmotet (signs for Marstrand) and follow road 168 towards Ytterby. In Ytterby, turn left towards Kärna. In Kärna, turn right at the T-junction and then directly left at the roundabout. Follow the road for about 3 km and then turn left (signs for Hållsunga). After about 800 m drive along the gravelled road, you should be able to spot the crag to the left (above the tree tops). Thanks to very cooperative landowners (make sure they stay that way!) you can park on the field directly by their house (keep low profile and put SEK 20 in the box!).
The drive is about 36 km.
From the car park follow the path past the beehives and after some minutes you should arrive at the crag.
The parking situation in the vicinity of Bräcke is very unclear. Therefore, it is recommended to park at the same parking lot as for Hållsunga. The walk from there to the crag is around 2 km only (see map for directions).