Bite Force,Low thumbnail
Bite Force,Low
7C Boulder at Bite Force
Space Odyssey thumbnail
Space Odyssey, Left thumbnail
Ticino Vibe thumbnail
Canin,Left thumbnail
7C Boulder at Royal Canin
Hidden Crevasse thumbnail
Alternative Fact thumbnail
Royal Canin thumbnail
Royal Canin
7B+ Boulder at Royal Canin
Subtle Silence thumbnail
Subtle Silence
7B+ Boulder at Dr.Hawking
시나위(Sinawi) thumbnail
Master of Puppy thumbnail
Bite Force,Left thumbnail
Bite Force,Left
7B+ Boulder at Bite Force
Subtle Crack, low thumbnail
Subtle Crack, low
7B+ Boulder at Dr.Hawking
Bite Force thumbnail
Bite Force
7B+ Boulder at Bite Force
Vincero, left thumbnail
Vincero, left
7B+ Boulder at Vice
Canin thumbnail
7B Boulder at Royal Canin
Mantra thumbnail
7B Boulder at Mantra
Subtle Crack thumbnail
Subtle Crack
7B Boulder at Dr.Hawking
Guardian of Bloc thumbnail
고래의 꿈,low thumbnail
Samsara, Low thumbnail
Samsara, Low
7B Boulder at Samsara
Vincero thumbnail
7B Boulder at Vice
Syncronicity thumbnail
SkyWalker thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Sky Walker
Hidden Crevasse,Standing thumbnail
Roaning Wind thumbnail
Roaning Wind
7A+ Boulder at Roaning Wind
Boulder Ethics thumbnail
Boulder Ethics
7A+ Boulder at Bite Force
X-Wing thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at XWing
Armchair, Right, sit thumbnail
Rise of Dr.Hawking thumbnail
Scorpions thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Scorpions
Tomboy thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Roaning Wind
High Kick thumbnail
High Kick
6C+ Boulder at Cyclops
Vice thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Vice
뻐드렁니,Right thumbnail
Aircraft Carrier thumbnail
Sunny Spot(양지) thumbnail
10Dgree thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at 10Degree
Mo Betta Blues thumbnail
Monkey hang thumbnail
Monkey hang
6B+ Boulder at Alternative Fact
Armchair, sit thumbnail
Pop Corn Boy thumbnail
Pop Corn Boy
6B+ Boulder at Popcorn boy
고래의 꿈 thumbnail
고래의 꿈
6B+ Boulder at 고래의 꿈
Scorpions, Direct thumbnail
Scorpions, Direct
6B+ Boulder at Scorpions
Lost Arrow thumbnail
Shadow of Canin thumbnail
Shadow of Canin
6B+ Boulder at Royal Canin
Crabby Campus thumbnail
Crabby Campus
6B+ Boulder at Crabby Campus
Samsara(윤회) thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Samsara
The Cube thumbnail
The Cube
6B+ Boulder at The Cube
Dragon Tail thumbnail
Fromm thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Royal Canin
Broken Heart thumbnail
Broken Heart
6B+ Boulder at Pedigree
Nature Logic thumbnail
Nature Logic
6B+ Boulder at Nature Logic
뻐드렁니 thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at 뻐드렁니
Dessert Traverse thumbnail
Heel First thumbnail
Heel First
6B+ Boulder at 10Degree
Easy Go thumbnail
Easy Go
6A+ Boulder at Easy Go
밀양 아리랑(Miryang Arirang) thumbnail
Golden Slumber thumbnail
ㄹ(Real) thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at ㄹ(Real)
U.F.O Right thumbnail
U.F.O Right
6A+ Boulder at Scorpions
Sunny Traverse thumbnail
Sunny Traverse
6A+ Boulder at Crabby Campus
Mystic Rider thumbnail
Mystic Rider
6A+ Boulder at Royal Canin
Super Comet thumbnail
Super Comet
6A+ Boulder at Space Odyssey
Acana thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Acana
Cyclops(애꾸눈) thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Cyclops
Chappy thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Pedigree
바스락(Basrock) thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at 바스락
묻고 더블로 가 thumbnail
Dish Washer, Low thumbnail
Dish Washer, Low
6A+ Boulder at Mantra
Samsara, Right thumbnail
Samsara, Right
6A+ Boulder at Samsara
Dish Washer thumbnail
Dish Washer
6A Boulder at Mantra
U.F.O thumbnail
6A Boulder at Scorpions
Easy Come thumbnail
Easy Come
6A Boulder at Easy Go
Ham and Egg thumbnail
Ham and Egg
6A Boulder at ㄹ(Real)
Samsara,Sts(윤회) thumbnail
The Cube, Direct thumbnail
The Cube, Direct
6A Boulder at The Cube
Deli crack thumbnail
Deli crack
6A Boulder at 꼬깔
Origen thumbnail
6A Boulder at Acana
Retangular Wrestling thumbnail
절편 thumbnail
6A Boulder at 절편
Big Pig thumbnail
Big Pig
5 Boulder at Big Pig
Cardian thumbnail
5 Boulder at Cardian
무조건이야 thumbnail
Pedigree thumbnail
5 Boulder at Pedigree
ㄹ Traverse thumbnail
ㄹ Traverse
5 Boulder at ㄹ(Real)
Eagle Peak,Left thumbnail
꼬깔,Sit thumbnail
5 Boulder at 꼬깔
Mandibular Mantling thumbnail
Deli Crack, Left thumbnail
Deli Crack, Left
5 Boulder at 꼬깔
Eagle Peak thumbnail
Eagle Peak
4 Boulder at Eagle Peak
Loren's Travers thumbnail
꼬마인형 thumbnail
때로는 여유롭게 thumbnail
Armchair thumbnail
Big pig Direct thumbnail
Big pig Direct
4 Boulder at Big Pig
처음처럼 thumbnail
3 Boulder at 처음처럼
아무나 thumbnail
3 Boulder at 뻐드렁니
꼬깔 thumbnail
3 Boulder at 꼬깔
Dr.Hooking, Left thumbnail
가지산 도그하우스(Gajisan Dog House)

The area is access sensitive!

가지산 도그하우스 섹터는 아래 주차장 옆 청림농장의 개인 사유지로 깨끗이 사용해야 하며, 임산물 채취, 취사, 흡연은 절대 금지합니다.