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Himmlisches Schlaraffenland thumbnail
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Route #55 thumbnail
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Kloß mit Soß thumbnail
Schäuferle thumbnail
Croissant thumbnail
Ernst ist tot thumbnail
Aperitif thumbnail
Jura Plaisir thumbnail

Climbing has been limited!

Sector "Schlaraffenland - Hirschbacher Wand" is closed a.m.

Those sectors are located around the village "Hirschbach" about 12 km east of "Hersbruck", well reachable via motorway A9. Approaching from West the first parking (P1) is about 850 before the village on the right. Next Parking (P2) is at the west end of the village on the left. P3 is 350 meters further on the left side in front of the taverne.

Neutrale Zone:
Go to P1, cross the river and go straight passing the field. Keep right and go to the edge of the forest ASAP. Get on the hiking trail here and go leftwards for 100 meters. The wall is to your right about 80ß meters up the hill.

Neue Fischbrunnerwand:
Go to P1, cross the river and go straight passing the field. Keep right and go to the edge of the forest ASAP. Get on the hiking trail here and go rightwards for about 300 meters. Take the path to your left leading up to the crag.

Take P1 and go along the street towards "Hirschbach" for 70 meter. Take the trail leading into the forest to your left. After 190 meters keep righthand up the hill to the wall.

Access from P2: Take P2, Cross the street and take the footpath keeping slightly right (If there is lawn, go around anti clock wise). After 130 meters you step on a hiking trail. From here you get to following sectors:

Kurt Albert Gedenkwand:
see access P2, go right for 125 meters. In the left bend is a trail to your right right in the angular point. Go there until you reach the forest. There's a bike trail leading up the hill to the crag.

see access P2, go right at the hiking trail for 300 meters and take the path to your right leading to the crag.

see access P2, go right at the hiking trail for 300 meters, take the path to your right leading parallel to the hiking trail. The wall is to your right after about 120 meters.

see access P2, go left at the hiking trail for about 50 meters until there's a path leading up the hill to your right. follow that trail to get to the crag.

Access P3:
From P3 go along the street westwards for 100 meters, go into the street "Am Waldweg" to your right. pass the houses until you get onto a hiking trail.

Schlaraffenland - Teufelsriss:
see access P3, then go right at the hiking trail for 20 meters and turn left. Take the foot path leading up the hill and passing the first sector. Keep left wards along the hill side and you get to "Schlaraffenland - Hirschbacherwand"

Schlaraffenland - Hirschbachwand/Rabensteinerturm/Schachtschüssel:
see access P3, then go left at the hiking trail for about 100 meters. There's a path leading up the hill. You'll pass "Hirschbacherwand" after further 100 meters. keep left along the hillside at the foot path (green #3), then you'll pass ´"Rabensteinerwand". "Schachtschüssel" is slightly up the hill just after you've passed "Rabensteinerwand".

see access P3 and go left at the hiking trail for 200 meters and take the path to your right up hill.